
Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna growled a bit. Well, she might've just run off then. Luna thought, her tail swaying lightly beside her. "Why would we use you?" she asked. "I said, I don't know where she is. If you don't believe me, so be it but I don't think we would use you for anything if that is what you think." She answered, watching him. She looked down at her paws and wondered if he really knew Hazel. She sighed and looked back at the male. "Where would we be keeping her anyway? We don't need to be pushing our schedule back any farther than it already is. We were supposed to leave a bit ago as the sun started rising. At the rate we are going, we will be ready at nightfall." She raised her hackles, still watching the male cautiously.

Gem|dispersal|M 3yrs|peacock feathers,No trackable scent "It's okay I'm not gonna hurt you I was just making sure your okay I heard you being in pain and wanted to help. " gem smiled sweetly but pulled back into the shadows a bit as to not startle the shewolf. "Are you okay?" He asked gently. His peacock feathers all over fluttered a little anxious. He didn't want the pack to find him yet. Or maybe he did I guess helping a pack mate would be a good way to come in on a good note. He missed having a pack and they seemed nice enough to approach. "Do you need any help ?" he asked the injured she wolf before him. Emily|pup 4 months|Snowy Owl Wings and feathers She let Sky pull the tracker out. She bit down hard on the stick. Holding back a whine as it was removed. She shivered but gave a happy yip now that it was out. Emily thought hard for a moment and got excited having a plan "Sky, Blue what if we have scouts leave the trackers somewhere in the opposite of where we are going!" She sat and waited for them to voice there opinions. Skadi|Lead Scout|F 4yrs|Raven Wings, Mimic Skadi finished making sure all the trackers were removed and collected. She set them aside for now until they had a plan of action. With all the stress of the morning already her anxiety was a bit high. She started heading to the edge of there camp She was going to go talk to Luke since he always helped her when she was stressed or needed help falling asleep. However she saw he was talking to Kelly and it would be rude to just interrupt their conversation. She needed to go for a walk to clear her head. The smell of blood mingled with scents from the fight hit her from nearby. She looked and saw a tail poking from a bush. She took a deeper scent in the direction; Hazel. She didn't let the growl escape her as she concealed her approach. Skadi's towering frame was now standing directly next to the female. "Do you have a death wish or do you just find comfort bringing pain to my pack" she said interrupting the silence in the forest around them.


I hope everyone is going well hoping the awesome rp hasn't died

(Oof. I'm waiting for Wolfex to reply to Luna x-x. It feels like they haven't been on in so long though. -.-)


ahhh no it died! im sorry guys my life got busy and im just now rejoining but i seriously cant believe it died. This was the best role play ever!

It was very good but several people havnt been on in awhile sadly

yeah... :( maybe we could revive it? i dont know, im just sad its over :(