Wolf Play : Anarchy | Wolf Rp | RP Thread [Open!]
05:30:43 She/her
I forgot I had her :/ I hate SVs
-WP Click-
05:21:28 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
I didn't max him but I'm close to maxing him in social
Boo, personally I would if he were mine.
05:13:36 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
-WP Click-

should I buy bronze figurines to get more cp so he can be maxed in social?
Has anyone managed to speak to the sheepdog?
Whenever I click talk the adventure block just goes blank.
Cypress, I'd never give up my dog, not ever he's my world.
04:58:13 01
id choose to move out with all my things id be to depressed without my dog but honestly I dont know your situation so it is just my opinion
 Cypress Road
04:55:02 Cy, love
If yall had to decide between moving out and getting to keep all your stuff including your dog but getting no help from your family and moving back into your parents house but having to get rid of just about everything including your dog, what would you choose?
04:34:14 Ash H:H!!
-WP Click-
-WP Click-

What should I name these 2 boys-
04:30:20 Will
New dye new dye yeahhhh
 LaPearl Park
04:14:47 Mystery Machine
Hi is it worth keeping enchanted water or not?
04:14:22 The Minor Nuisance
Welp, It's 9 pm and I'm going to bed.

G'night, Y'all!
 Pink Tears
04:09:12 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
i dont know-

part of me wants to do a river but i think thats a little dark considering le lore
04:07:38 The Minor Nuisance
...is octopus something to make it on?
04:07:16 The Minor Nuisance
Oh, cool, an OC!



...Nup. My brain isn't braining. All I can think of right now is octopus. I don't know why. Just is.
 Pink Tears
04:04:05 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

maybe? im trying to get ideas and also think of possible oc refreces since im basically making a phone wallpaper of my oc where the center is his eye

literally the only thing ive thought of on my own is his dog but i dont wanna draw a dog lol
03:59:52 The Minor Nuisance

A storm/cyclone, perhaps?

might fit the colours better.

But I'm no artist (profile pic is proof), so my suggestions probably aren't that good.
 Pink Tears
03:56:44 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

hm- i think it would look a little off since the eye is a clouded (blind) albino eye
 Ghost Queen
03:56:43 Ghost, Queen, Hades
Hmm I need 700 bones to get everything I want Xad
03:54:24 The Minor Nuisance

A forest, perhaps?

Or a tree or some tree bark


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Anarchy | Wolf Rp | RP Thread [Open!]July 7, 2021 05:06 PM


Posts: 4845
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Larkspur || Female || 5 || Pack Member || M: Athena

Ah, well, at least the majority of the pack would be unable to sense her feelings. Good. She didn't mind talking to Athena about them; she knew her thoughts were safe with the older female. Besides, she could use some advice right about now.

"I'm almost... dare I say jealous... of Cadmus. But I trust him with my brother's life," she sighed. "Perhaps you're right. Maybe, as time passes, they'll see Leviathan's progress as an alpha."

Lev was thrown into the role of alpha quite suddenly, and he certainly hadn't been trained for it, but he had inherited his father's leadership abilities. He'd do well, Larkspur was sure. Tall, dark, handsome, sober--

Oh heavens, no, she internally scolded. Had there been a puppy crush on the brute in her younger years? Well of course, but she'd shoved those down eons ago. She knew her place, and, as much as she wanted to raise her status, she was not going to stoop down to flirting for power. No, she'd get it when -- and more importantly if -- she was ready.

Besides, now was definitely not the time to be searching for a mate. And how terribly would that affect her relationship with Chocktaw? It was already falling apart; she didn't want to help it along.

Anarchy | Wolf Rp | RP Thread [Open!]July 8, 2021 01:16 PM

Former Pack

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Female/3/Pack Member/Mentions:open
She returned back to camp and sat in her normal hiding spot. Just watching the pack and everything that was going on. She thought of maybe leaving pack life. It would be hard but she dosen't really fit in here. EVeryone has a place a status but her not so much. She was just the wolf that seemed to be different and that was okay. There's plenty of other wolves in this pack so her dissapearance probably wouldn't do much to the pack.
Anarchy | Wolf Rp | RP Thread [Open!]July 9, 2021 06:29 PM

Former Pack

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Male||Four||Pack Member||Mentions: Eira,Everyone in the fight

Placing a considerable weight on his haunches, the rather pasty male rested quite uncomfortably. He was sitting in the midst of a battlefield, and although the brawls were beginning to quiet and victory marinating their tongues, he remained acutely aware of the residue of wolves left. He felt exhausted, maybe even a bit nervous. His previous urges; to strike, kill, and taste, had all vanished like smoke cleared out by a strong breeze. The others were too occupied, so if anyone...He took a glance behind him as a sharp rustle rattled a bush, but when he failed to detect any scent, he returned his gaze to the meat of the encounters.

Akousa knew of the residential, lifeless corpses of the intruders. One, he knew was slayed by Leviathan, as he could now see the brown hued male approaching the wounded sentry, but the others? He wasn’t quite sure. “So help me God.” He muttered, eyes forming mere chips of ice. Would he be the only one who was unsuccessful in restraining their opponent? He didn’t really see many canids flooding the line of trees in attempts to escape. His jaws had shut, tongue no longer lolled out in delicate pants. Although he wished to fully collapse in the grass, it was far too bloodied and it reeked, eliciting a slight scrunch of the nose as he tried not to breathe too deeply.

Can’t they finish a fight? He watched with an impatient scowl as Ronin slashed and bared teeth at her gathering opponents, Leviathan continuing as Koa’s aid when he should be helping the sentry. He grew tired of simply sitting, consuming himself in wishful thinking. He wanted to go home and see Takara. Perhaps swoon before her so she’d have no choice but to interact. But the male didn’t seem to want to get things over with, why else would he not simply take care of the other wolf as well? It was beyond him. Akousa scoffed, lifting a tainted paw and testing it further along the ground. He’d try to stand but it was clear from the swift buckle of his limbs that his body protested.

It was a sign of weakness that gave away his current state. Had he simply remained still and erect, perhaps the wily, fellow on the prowl wouldn’t have pounced him at that very moment. Although extremely startled, as they briefly tussled on the ground, he’d manage a clean kick to the gut and a moment's escape, pulling himself away from the brute who had briefly turned on his side. But now he was up again and although littered with various wounds, seemingly formidable. Akousa broke out in a nervous quake, jaws though, still slick with a confident grin and ears reeled forward. He was fucked wasn’t he?

This was a new wolf, not the one he had chased off but someone else’s leftovers, and it seemed the male wanted a change in target. Akousa guessed he must have “fled”, then, after the false disperse, circled back around in search of someone easier, someone more vulnerable. He didn’t feel he could muster such a body shaking snarl so he released a curled lip growl instead, occasionally tensing his limbs whenever he’d think the wolf might lunge at him, and it seemed rather imminent at this point

His attacker finally leapt, and Akousa would nimbly dodge to the side. Or at least that's what he intended to do, but he stayed locked in place, paws too heavy to pick up and body too stubborn to coerce. It wasn’t very long at all before he was planted to the ground, pushed roughly on his side. Teeth met flesh and unfortunately his fangs weren’t in any use at the moment, for his snout was pressed firmly to the ground by a paw while something sharp sank just below his throat. He winced in pain. Not only at the jaws embedded in his skin but at the impact of his landing as well. He still had his injuries from earlier and they all ruthlessly packed on the ache, screaming furiously at him every time he’d try to make a counter. “You bastard..” He choked with fluttering eyes as the force on his muzzle tightened, and as much as he wanted to win, he gradually began to accept the fact that he wouldn’t.

“Hello Darling”

Immediately the victor’s head perked up. Tottering between consciousness, Akousa had no mind to peer around the body on top of him, but he’d wearily begin to lift his head once he no longer felt weight on his torso and throat, eyes widening in surprise and displeasure at the unfolding sight. Eira briefly stood before him, and right as his gaze began to refocus, she had followed the wolf’s stumbling paws, a blurry flash of white fur that emitted powerful snarls and flesh pinned between her teeth. He gradually began to plant all four paws stably on the ground like a tower of blocks, shaking out his pelt with a soft groan. As much as his injuries throbbed, he would not be seen a cowed slop of mess while Eira fought off his opponent.

“Finish him already.”

“O-ofcourse.” It pained him deeply to utter such words to such a female but he still had a reputation to maintain and she was not going to see how eagerly malicious he was at the moment. I’ll finish this dirty scrap. He made me look weak. He tried not to let the excitement show on his face as he pounced at the opposing throat, his body shrieking in exhaustion but his drive for revenge far too powerful. Only when the wolf’s cries and clawing limbs had come to a still did he stop, dropping its punctured skin from his jaws and innocently lapping at his muzzle as if he was disgusted. “I’ll never get used to the taste of blood.” He turned to Eira, planting a small smile on his muzzle. “Thanks...for that.”

Disapproval, dismay, aggravation, all of it howled loudly inside of him, causing his body to a slight tremble. “Ah, I’ll just rest here a bit..” He covered it up as fatigue, but it wasn’t a complete lie. He was tired. And as soon as his stomach touched the dirtied floor below, he passed out, quite literally. Maybe Takara will carry me home.

Edited at July 9, 2021 06:31 PM by Edera
Anarchy | Wolf Rp | RP Thread [Open!]July 11, 2021 09:28 PM


Posts: 4518
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Male || 4.5 || Pack member || M: Others in the fight

Kal seemed to be in a daze, one moment he was intent on ending the battle, and the next he was zoned out, he allowed himself the rest for a few moments before he snapped out of it, horrified that he had paused for the moment and wondering where to jump in next. It seemed there were only two wolves left, one near Akousa and another by Eira. Maybe there were more, but a few had been killed and he saw one even runoff. His eyes darted to the black wolf, who Eira was dealing with, "Why don't you run," she offered, the black wolf. The two locked in combat and Kallik quickly looked for an opening, he feared if he were to jump in now he would only be a distraction.

In his moment of rest the adrenaline from the battle wore off, and exhaustion seemed to cling to him as he stood. Kallik could feel his various injuries start to hurt and was painfully aware of the deeper cut over the left side of his muzzle, the area around it felt hot and swollen, though it wasn't bleeding too bad anymore. Though the lighter colored fur there was now stained red, both with his blood and the red wolf's. His stomach felt worse, from when the same wolf had raked its claws down him and it pulsed with new pain. The large male was suddenly more aware of the situation and his eyes widened, before much else could happen Eira shot a glance at him and shoved the black wolf into his paws, he nodded and watched her run off to assist Akousa. This was his chance, the rogue was weak and tired from his fight with Eira and now he had the upper hand. One of its back legs was now clearly hurting, an injury which he had inflicted upon the wolf in the very beginning of the battle, and he had taken a few hits from Eira.

Fighting through his pain Kallik quickly used his weight to his advantage. Muscles bunching together he leaped at his opponent, slamming into his side, the blow knocking the black wolf onto the ground. It seemed to lay there for a moment panting and he used that as an opportunity to lunge for its injured back leg, he had the urge to finish what he had started and gone for the joint which was already cut open and still bleeding. He bit down and felt the wolf beneath him thrash in pain, his loose leg landing him a swift kick in the jaw, enough to stun him and knock Kal off but not break anything.

The black wolf was moving to stand and Kallik leaped back, baring his teeth. The rogue jumped towards him but landed short and a loud snap came from its injured back leg. It let out a howl, filled with agony, and its eyes flashed with anger as it turned to flee. As if it had suffered a stress fracture from the weight of his bite, and landing on it solidified the fracture.

Exhaustion swept over him, his battle was done, and he could rest, it seemed as if the others had finished as well. Akousa had seemed to pass out on the ground, and Leviathan seemed to be reassuring Koa, who had held off the attack the longest, and Enigma...he had no clue where she had gone.

All that remained now were the bodies of the unlucky rogues and those who had come to fight them off. He let out a huff of pride, no one had been killed and they sent a clear message to the other pack, hopefully they wouldn't have to meet them in battle so soon. But who could tell what the future will hold. Now all Kallik wanted to do was head home and recover, it would be good to return victorious and reassure those who may have been worried of the outcome, that the pack was still strong.

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