
*she stepped forward and said* i will not sit on the sidelines while my home is attacked, all of you were there during my fight, i want, no, i INSIST on fighting with you guys! *she was firm on this and she added another thought after a moment* besides, when i heard the howl, i sensed a presence besides the pack, like there's a source of darkness backing the pack's actions *this was as close as she had come to telling them about her gift*

Chocolate Mocha stepped forth, she was the Female Beta and the Head of the Warriors. She looked into Star's eyes. " Then you can help your packmates by waiting aside to save their lives. Herbs are what a Medical Wolf uses, not their Claws and Teeth. If you wanted to be a fighter, then you should have fought for a Warrior place." She growled. " You can come, but you must wait with herbs to protect and save your packmates. Is that clear? Or you can't come." She finished. SpiritWind shifted on her paws. If her friend wasn't careful, things could go a wrong way. Demon's Servant picked out the group, containing two Hunters and rest Warriors, including SpiritWind. They all turned to Chocolate Mocha and Star.

*she sighed and said* fine, but if i'm needed, i WILL fight, understood? *she didn't mean it in a alpha way, just making sure she understood*

Chocolate Mocha narrowed her eyes. " You will only fight if you yourself are attacked. The all out fighting is for Warriors. Let's go!" She Gathered the group and ran with Demon's Servant besides her, and the group behind her. SpiritWind's paws tossed up leaves as the ran. But not long after, they come to a stop. A male, a big one, stepped out in front of the group. Wolves filled out behind him. Demon's Servant flicked his tail at Star, telling her to go to the bushes on the left side. As the group themselves spread out as well.

*she huffed in annoyance but obeyed and went to the bushes, the top fur of her tail forming into spikes, like in the fight, then she sensed a force of darkness again and looked around, then she spotted it and sprinted to it, slashing it hard and engaging in a fight with it, and since she was fighting with it, the others could see it*

SpiritWind turned and saw Star fighting... Something? She couldn't get a good look as a wolf jumped onto her back,pinning her. Due to Star, the fight had begun. The two hunters, SilverSpot and BronzeFur stood aside in the shadows, ready to messengers if needed, as they weren't Warriors. SpiritWind took her gaze away from Star and tossed the wolf off her back, but not before they'd clawed her a bit. Fighting surrounded her, and she was lost in the thick of it.

*something in her aura made everyone freeze as Star growled deeply*

As they froze, Demon's Servant came to his senses first. " Keep fighting! We will teach them a lesson! Almost pushed them back!" They gave one last look at Star, and kept fighting. SpiritWind came out of the fight, and over to Star. She was bleeding from several wounds, and one of her eyes was closed due to blood sweeping over it. She didn't notice to dark force. " Get... Get back to.. To the bush. Wolves... Need you to help them." She managed to get out. Then she turned, ready to get back into the fight.

*she nodded and said in a deep voice* we'll talk later *then turned and sprinted into the fight, healing the one's that needed it and fighting as well, and eventually the leader of the rival pack called* wait, they have the queen of spirits on their side, FALL BACK *Star stepped forward from the group, her eyes glowing a faint blue and she simply said* humph, first smart choice you've made today

Chocolate Mocha yowled: " And don't come back! This is DeadlyClaw Land, and always will be!" She howled, as a sign of victory. The rest howled along, adding their voices to the night. Then they headed back. SpiritWind avoided Star along the way back, and as soon as they entered camp she headed to the Warrior's den, still no sign of wanting to talk.