
*she released a deep growl that scared just about everyone*

Just about Everyone flinched, and SpiritWind heard some wolf whisper: " Can't be to much longer, WinterStorm doesn't look so good, she always knew fighting wasn't for her." WinterStorm lashed her fluffy tail. Her eyes started to lose focus, but she remained determined, she lept, but landed awkwardly in front of Star. But she managed to lash out at Star's face, before stumbling.

*she gently pressed her down, whispering in her ear* i don't want to hurt you more, make the sign for forfeiting, as i cannot reverse the effects of my bite until you do

WinterStorm sighed quietly. " It was never my destiny to be a Warrior, or a fighter at all. I thought a medical wolf was." Her eyes went to SandHeart and PandaPelt, then back to Star. " Very well. But sorry for this part, I want to go out like I tried." She lashed at Star's face,catching flesh, but then she tapped out. MaskedStar stepped forward at once. " Release her." She growled at Star. Then turned to the pack. " In a battle for rank, Star has claimed WinterStorm's place as a Medical wolf. WinterStorm is now a nameless. " With that, the pack let out howls, showing approval of Star's victory and WinterStorm's defeat. Edited at October 12, 2023 06:42 PM by DeadlyClaw

*she released her, understanding why and called to the pack after MaskedStar's annoucement* i do have one request for the pack! WinterStorm was a worthy opponet, and i ask that you acknoledge that by allowing her to retain the respect she has earned over the seasons, i also ask that WinterStorm be allowed to become a med wolf once more without fighting, if she so wishes *she looked at WinterStorm with a kind look as she said this, then met MaskedStar's eyes with a firm look in her eyes*

MaskedStar narrowed her eyes once again, and showed the tiniest bit of her teeth. " I told you we don't change or ways. Especially for one who only just got a rank in the pack." She growled. Then turned to the pack. " WinterStorm, as we all know, is a poor Warrior and Hunter. So, she will have two seasons as a Nameless. If all goes well, then we can think of ranks." She flicked her ears towards the forest, as if she heard something. " The fight is over. Back to camp!" She barked.

*her tail lashed but she helped WinterStorm up and carried her back to camp and healed her*

SpiritWind headed to the Medical Den and saw Star. She padded over and nudged her. " Hey! Congrats on the win! I was going to go on the MoonLight patrol but I'd figured I'd check on you first. " She gazed around the den. She rarely been in here. Just then, a far off howl called. A Warning.

*she greeted her and thanked her gently then her tail floofed up as she heard the howl, followed by a deep growl that apparently only she could hear and relid the warning, her voice reaching farther then the others combined* Edited at October 13, 2023 10:08 AM by Star Tha AOD

She heard Chocolate Mocha and Demon's Servant calling for wolves. " Come' on Star!" She turned and headed out of the den. She saw the patrol, tired and wide eyed. Demon's Servant spoke once they were gathered. " I know most of you are tired, but we have something we need to deal with." He growled. " Another pack tried to make a move on our patrol, but they got out. We need to tell this pack this is our land. Even if its with tooth and claw. Two Hunters for tracking, the rest are Warriors. One Medical on the sidelines as well if things go wrong. Step forward if you want to go, don't if you want to stay and rest."