
*she sighed then said* fine, will she at least retain her respect?

" That, is for the pack themselves to choose. Now, go gather outside. We will head to the pond once the pack is gathered." She pushed past, and headed out of the den. SpiritWind followed, and gathered with the others, stand besides WhiteStorm. Her Mother gave a commanding howl, and wolves streamed out of corners and dens, all gathering. Once they were gathered, the headed to the Pond as a group. Edited at October 12, 2023 02:45 PM by DeadlyClaw

*she sighed and followed bu stayed out on her own, and let her opponet attack first*

The Pack circled the pond, but left enough space for the fight. MaskedStar stepped forward, and WinterStorm did as well. She narrowed her eyes and faced Star, her grey eyes cold. MaskedStar circled the two wolves. " This is a fight for a place in your pack. You know what happens if you win or lose. No killing, but no mercy either. This is a fight for respect. Tap the ground twice to quit. That is all. You may start." She faded into the crowd, but kept a eye on the two. SpiritWind was shaking, it was her first time Watching a fight. WinterStorm growled deep in her throat. Seasons of being a Loner made her merciless when she needed to be. But she remained calm at the same time. She readied herself.

*she braced herself and waited for WinterStorm to attack*

WinterStorm lept aiming at her back, but purposely made it fail, so she landed at Star's side instead of her back. She gripped the side of Star's throat, and bit down hard while putting a paw on her back and gripping.

*she bit her face and kicked her off, but held back most of her speed and strength, because last time she went full she nearly k!lled the one she was fighting*

WinterStorm yowled, and her growled grew even louder. She pinned her ears to her head. She had blood streaming from a cut on her face, blocking sight out of her left eye. But she lept again, this time going for the back. As she landed, she gripped with all for paws this time, and bite even harder onto the back of Star's neck, just a break away from a killing bite, but she kept control of it.

*she accidentaly released full, nearly killing her, but she managed to get control of it in time*

WinterStorm got up and glared at Star, she had even more wounds. " I... Will not... Lose...My... Rank!" She howled. This time, WinterStorm didn't make the first move, she didn't have the energy to pounce. The crowd started to cheer names, whether it was StarSpirit's or WinterStorm's. But SpiritWind stayed quiet, watching through wide eyes.