
Sirius was really starting to get excited now. "Oh wow! I've never met a human before! How is it? How is it like?"

Dusk was coming back to the cave and saw a pup and an adolescent wolf. He said "What are you doing here?" He had a stern voice while he spoke.

Sirius looked back. "Hi Dusk! Did you know that this grey wolf is really a human?"

Dusk gave the pup a stern look and said "Of course i do im the Beta". Dusk did not like all of what was happening it would mean another mouth to feed when they already have the pups. Dusk then said "Sirius go back to your mom you know you cant leave her side till your 6 months." (Lets just say Sirius is almost 6 months if its okay) Edited at February 16, 2022 03:49 PM by Shadow-Wolf

Dawn looked back at where the alpha female's old den was. She walk over to the alpha males den and said "May i come in." She sat down waiting for a response.

"Huh. That's weird" the adolescent replied. "I'm Frost, by the way" she dipped her head respectfully, but quickly turned as she heard another voice. "Oh, hello Dusk! I just saw a strange wolf in this den, and wanted to see what was going on"

Inti froze at Sirius's question. On the one hand, describing humans could be another test of his past, in case there were still any doubts. However, on the other hand, For years, Inti had not been precisely optimistic about what had been his own species. The first things that came to mind with the question "How are humans like?", were full of evil, hostility, and destruction. He decided, for now, to cover the most basic aspects first. "Well, humans have almost no hair on their skin except for some areas like the top of the head, they usually dress in clothes made from sheep's wool, cotton, or animal skins. They walk on two feet and, uh... just like wolves, we live in societies..."

Dusk looked at Frost and said "I need to talk to you so come with me." Dusk began to walk away from the den but stopped and waited for Frost. He looked back and said "Come on."

Dusk yelled "Inti don't say to much we are wild and you know this." Dusk the turned and started to walk while yelling "Lets go Frost." Edited at February 16, 2022 04:02 PM by Shadow-Wolf

"U-uh, ok..." Inti said. "Sorry, little one." He said, turning to Sirius.