
Pyrite/ Firepup/ M: Frida, Firelilly, Ghost "I slept fine." Pyrite responded. She glanced over to ghost. "We probably should" She replied to the second question. Her stomach growled. " on that note, should we eat now, or wait for ghost?" Edited at December 28, 2023 05:14 PM by Dawnforest

firelilly | F | firepup | m: Frida,Pyrite, Ghost - Firelilly looked over at Ghost, "I dont think he will mind if we go ahead and eat" she picked up her share of the meat and went and sat around the puddle. She now waited for the others as she burned her meat with her fire breath although she was careful.

Dust/M/Trainee Dust lifts his head as he hears commotion outside the den. He looks around, taking in the sunlight streaming through the enterence. Dust squares his shoulders, determined to look as much like a hunter as possible. He quickly steps out of the den and fully into the sunlight, taking a deep breath of the smoky air.

Crow - Guard - M: Leaf, Vignir, Feng Crow stretched her long legs, the lean muscles just popping through her silver and black fur. She yawned wide her teeth shining a yellow white color. Looking around she could see others waking up too, ready for the day. She too was ready to get a move on and padded out of the den looking for Vignir. 'Still asleep,' she mumbled to herself with an eye roll. Happily she decided the next best thing was to report to her Alpha, Feng was gone, presumably on patrol and Vignir was currently... unresposive. She spotted the large male by his den and padded over. "Good morning,' Crow greeted him with a nod of her head.

Ruby/F/Alpha Female Ruby exits her den with a grumpy expression on her face. Im so hungry I need deer meat, She thought. She saw one of the Fire pups exiting there cave. I bet that coldhard stone is painful, i could propably find some nonburnable moss for them. She set out to find the moss. she yawned with everystep Edited at December 30, 2023 04:25 PM by Mountain Valor Pack

Pyrite/ Firepup/ M: firepups Pyrite grabbed what she assumed was her part of the meat and walked over to the puddle. She layed down on the other side opposite of Firelilly with her firey leg tucked softly beneath her. She took a bite and found it was fresher then usual most likely caught last night.

Ghost/Fire pup/M Ghost woke up a mild expression on his face. "Where did everyone go?" he said to himself he saw them eating a little bit away. "They left me here? well i see how it is" he growled. He grabbed his chonk of meat and stomped off to his favorite place. He made sure not to leave extra.

Frida | F | Fire pup | M: Firelilly, Pyrite - Frida grabbed her chunk of the meat taking it over near Firelilly and Pyrite. She set it down before sitting into a comfortable position to eat her food. She decided to savor it while the food lasted. Sometimes they where only fed once a day. She understood that the other wolves where afraid but they could at least not treat them like they had done something despicable!

Firelilly | F | Fire pup | m: Fire pups, particularly Ghost ~☆~ Firelilly looked up to see Ghost storming off. She felt bad though she dosnt recall doing something bad. She looked back at her food making sure it was some what burnt all over, after making a few toch ups she started to eat. Firelilly had also happened to notice the meat was rather fresh then the crows food they often got. ~☆~ (For anyone who dosnt read warrior cats crows food is old, spoiled and starting to deca food or body that has just been left, i hope its okay I put this here) Edited at December 30, 2023 05:34 PM by Soul☆Walkers

Ghost/M/Fire pup Ghost munched on his food quietly growling to himself. his safe spot was a small fort made out of fallen rocks this was the darkest spot of the cave the place where the other pups never explored. He sat there and waited for time to pass Edited at December 30, 2023 07:54 PM by Mountain Valor Pack