
" Really?" SpiritWind said, tipping her head to the side at the mention of BloodPaw. " She only just become a Training'Paw. I bet she just thought you were weird because you weren't in the pack. " She then flicked her ears, and wrapped her tail around her paws. " What are these dreams if I may ask?" She asked, staring at Star.

*she nodded, saying it was possible then said* i honestly don't know myself, i just know something's up

" Well, come get me if you do find out." She said, then let out a sigh. " I just I should go train BloodPaw. Guess I'll see you later then?" She stood, and stretched. And, for good measure, summoned a small rain cloud above Star's head, and made it pour. She then ran towards camp, laughing a tiny bit.

" Well, come get me if you do find out." She said, then let out a sigh. " I just I should go train BloodPaw. Guess I'll see you later then?" She stood, and stretched. And, for good measure, summoned a small rain cloud above Star's head, and made it pour. She then ran towards camp, laughing a tiny bit.

*she nodded then chuckled, making a little one form and soak her*

SpiritWind gave a surprised look that confused BloodPaw when she was soaked. BloodPaw looked to the sky, and back at her Mentor. " You fall in the lake?! There's no rain!" She said. SpiritWind shook herself, getting BloodPaw wet. " Nope, I got rained on. Now, come on! I'll train you in Warrior tactics. " She said, and the two headed out of camp and down to the shore of the lake.

*she laughed and made it sprinkle lightly on BloodPaw then came over to them and said* mind if i join?

SpiritWind looked at BloodPaw, who shrugged. " Sure, I mean it wouldn't hurt for BloodPaw to learn to fight enemies with different tactics. " She went and sat on a giant boulder, wrapping her tail neatly around her paws. " BloodPaw, before we start any tactic training, go ahead and attack Star. Show me what you can do, but no serious injuring, alright?" She said. BloodPaw nodded, and looked at Star, identifying her foe with her icy eyes.

*her tail lashed gently as she studied BloodPaw and let her take first shot*

BloodPaw didn't leap right away. Instead she circled Star, her eyes darting from many different places to attack, which would leave a enemy hopeless to know where she was going to attack first. She ran at Star's side, then slid under her, attacking her stomach before quickly getting up and attacking her side, making sure to keep her blows light and not cause damage. There was a fire burning in her eyes.