
*she nodded, understanding it* i understand, maybe later on?

" Maybe." The Alpha said, but her voice didn't seem certain. " Have a good rest of the day, Star." She headed back into camp. SpiritWind dipped her head at Star,and followed her Mother. Within a few minutes, patrols had been sent out, and it was finally quiet. SpiritWind lay down, and rested her head on her paws. She was exhausted, both from duties and training that day. And including the fight. She watched the camp through drowsy eyes.

*she nodded and waited patiently*

SpiritWind remained within camp for the next few days. Dens were fortified more, keeping out the cold that was growing. Hunting and Border Patrols were sent out everyday, SpiritWind finally got a moment she could leave, Demon's Servant was better and agreed to take charge, and she left. When she exited camp, snow started to fall, filling her pelt with snowy white snowflakes. She headed to the Storm Arena, and started training on her own while she wanted to see if Star would come.

*she came and the storm greeted her and let Spirit know by getting even more wild, roaring it's greeting, and she howled, making it calm down, then walked to Spirit, her tail swinging lightly and said* hey Spirit! how'd you like the intoduction from the storm? it's question, not mine *her eyes sparkled with happyness, and pride*

" Uh..Ya?" She laughed a little. " What we doing today? I got more time then usual, Demon's Servant is better,so he can take charge." She smiled. She saw something orange in the corner of her eye, but when she looked nothing was there. She shook her head. " Can't wait to train. It empties my mind." She sneezed as a snowflake landed on her nose, making it cold.

*she nodded and said* i can understand that, and tell him i said i'm glad he's feeling better, and we'll be working with your emotion detach, so it's easier for you to start up and calm down your abilities *she smiled, making flowers bloom to where it looked like a cluster of small flowers had been tucked behind her ears*

" Okay! And I have to say that flower thing is really cool." She said, then sat down. " Alright, what first teacher?" She said,smiling a little bit.

*she chuckled and said* i wasn't even trying but ok, and same as last time, go into the memory and seperate the emotion from it the best you can *she sat beside her, ready to guide her if needed*

" Alright..." She closed her eyes, and entered a memory. She didn't want to enter the fight again, she didn't feel up to it, so her mind chose a different memory. A memory, or well, more like dream she hadn't though of in moons. She was in the Blizzard, but there was no orb. - This is a dream... You can't erase something from a memory right? Otherwise the orb would be there.- She felt desperate, and sad. Even a little bit angry, for she wanted to speak to it. She dragged those feelings out, and closed the memory.