
*she bowed again then said* hello MaskedStar, would you mind if i joined your pack as a med wolf? my alpha has already aproved it

MaskedStar gazed at StarSpirit with her dark, golden eyes. She turned her gaze to SpiritWind, then back at StarSpirit. " I approve. But our customs are different then from thoughs of your own Alpha and Beta. For I can approve you into my pack, but you must fight for the role you have asked for. Warriors and Hunters aren't decided most of the time, they are earned. Just like a Beta or Medical wolf. And if you win, you gain this role and respect of your packmates. You lose, you go to a lower role with low respect. Do you still want to earn this role? If so, you have two days before the challenge. " Her voice was calm and kind, but hid some Power behind it. SpiritWind stood aside quietly. Edited at October 10, 2023 01:26 PM by DeadlyClaw

*she nodded, her blue-grey eyes sparkling with confidence and you could hear the respect and confidence in her voice* yes, i will earn the role, thank you

MaskedStar nodded. " You may choose to battle WinterStorm, a Silver and Cold she-wolf with a excellent mind and calm stance. Or GemEye, a young black she-wolf who learns quick and is skillful. No matter who you choose, the battle will start at the Blood spilled pond in two days time at the moon's highest point. " With that, she turned and lay back down in her nest. SpiritWind turned and headed out, once they were out she turned to StarSpirit. " The name makes it worse then it actually is." She comforted. " But don't take the fight lightly. I myself barely got myself through in my own fight."

*she thought for a moment then said* i think i'll do WinterStorm, GemEye seems like a really good Med

SpiritWind shrugged, but deep down she was torn. GemEye was a good medical wolf, and so was WinterStorm. WinterStorm trusted GemEye's skill so much she allowed her to be the one to leave. But WinterStorm was the first Medical wolf in a long time, she brought the Pack out of a dark time. But StarSpirit had to fight one or the other to basically stay... She shook her head to clear it. " I bet you'll do fine, no matter who you chose." She gazed around the camp she grew up in. She couldn't wait to meet WhiteStorm and learn what happened while she was gone. " Do you want to go learn the places of the camp?" She asked.

*she nodded, anxious for the fight, and said with excitement in her voice but her eyes showing her anxiousness* yeah!

" Well then, follow me!" SpiritWind padded around the camp. Most wolves were in the dens, hiding from the rain that was steadily picking up. " The camp is guarded by Pine and Oak trees, keeping most elements out." She then nodded towards two bushes, one big and the other smaller. " In the Big bush is the herb store, and besides it is were the medical wolves sleep. Besides it is the nursery, were Mothers and their pups are." She padded on, till another old tree came up. " That's the Warriors den, besides it is the Hunters. In between them in the Prey Hole." She stopped besides the last two dens. " That's the Beta's den, and farthest away is the Nameless's den." She turned to StarSpirit. " Any questions?"

*she chuckled, her brain immeadiatly memorizing the camp and she simply said* are the Nameless basicly the appretices?

" Well...." SpiritWind didn't know the right way to say it, so she decided to just get it over with. " Apprentices, or Training'Paws as we call them sometimes, are chosen at age to be a Warrior or Hunter. Then, they get assigned a mentor and they sleep in the assigned den." She took a breath. " Namelesses are..well.. Wolves who tried to fight for a higher rank and failed. They move to that den until they can get themselves a rank again, whether its a Hunter or Warrior. They are often ignored and do must tasks around camp." She finished.