
The Pack of Storm said: Name (and name shorter): Howl of Whirling Storm (Storm) Age (remember that Shadow is 3 years old, the age of an adult wolf over here):2 years Gender (LGBTQ+ ones are allowed): female Sexuality (LGBTQ+ ones are allowed): unknown yet Role that you want:explorer Physical description of your character (detailed):Storm is a sleek, short-furred dark red melanism red wolf. She has dark blue sharp eyes and a nicked left ear. Storm has reddish-brown freckles and darker fading paws. Temper of your character:she's very fierce and stubborn, she's also sarcastic Other (like decorations and more):she has some raven feathers strung around her right front leg
Storm is in! The roleplay can start!

Do we rp here or somewhere else?

StormPack said: Do we rp here or somewhere else?
We roleplay here, but it seems like the other members didn't notice my message...

Storm rested her head on her paws as she watched an eagle soaring overhead her. She was resting in a dappled forest glade, on a bed of soft moss and pine needles. She tucked her tail around her feet, then started and raised her head as she heard a noise from behind her in the forest, though it was probably just a rabbit or other woodland creature.

Shadow breathed heavily. In, out. She was's dead yet, but she could feel the blood on her back. She was barely alive. She needed help. She tried to get up, badly falling again. "Help..." she whispered, before passing out.

(pardon for jumping in, is this closed to new ppl?)

Luna Tenebris said: (pardon for jumping in, is this closed to new ppl?)
It's closed as it's full, but you can try to apply, sadly it isn't really active in the last times