
SpiritWind lashed her tail as Star left. She knew what she said was true, but she didn't want to believe Star. Things were better that way.- " Its okay, young ones." She soothed. " Explorer, go get the rest of the pack, tell them we found the pups." He nodded, and ran out. As she cared the pups to the nursery, a thought struck her almost making her freeze. - I told Mother and the Betas I chased Star off the land. But she just made the mistake of telling me she's still here... I wouldn't have told, of course, but she said it in front of Explorer.- She curled around the pups, and waited for the pack, and what would come next.

*she laid down, her claws digging into the ground a bit as she looked around, then made a gift for Spirit, a reminder of old memories*

SpiritWind paced when her mother entered camp. She saw Explorer talking to her, and feared the worst. MaskedStar called the pack together. " Explorer told me there is a loner living at our Lake. They also took our pups! And thought they could return them peacefully. " She lashed her tail. And SpiritWind had a feeling MaskedStar knew it was Star. " I am sending a patrol to " Escort " This loner off our land. Chocolate Mocha, pick your Warriors. I will come as well." With that, Chocolate Mocha called names. SpiritWind turned and ran out of camp, and to the lake. " Star!Star!StarSpirit!" She stopped,panting in front of her. " You have to leave, now! I don't care where, as long as its not the lake!"

*she stood and bit her lip then said* ok, i have a hideout that i made, but you can't come, you'd drown before you got there, stay here *she gathered the stuff and laid the reminder at Spirit's paws, hugging her gently* thank you for the warning *she sprinted to the edge of the lake with her pouch secured closed and to her side and jumped, leaving no ripples as she went down to her hideout she had made, and put her stuff in there, then went back up, offering for her to come, giving Spirit her blessing to come with her*

" No, thank you." She shook her head at Star's offering to come. " I have something important up here that I need to deal with." She looked at the reminder, and gave a slight smile at Star. Before turning, and facing her pack coming out of the trees. MaskedStar looked at her Daughter. " Where's the loner?" She asked. " I told her to leave." SpiritWind said. Chocolate Mocha stepped forward, baring her teeth. " You told the loner we were coming! She took our pups, and you just let her go?!" Chocolate Mocha took a step forward dangerously. SpiritWind understood her anger, she was the adoptive mother of the pups. MaskedStar tried to calm her down, but to no use. Chocolate Mocha took another step, and SpiritWind looked into her eyes. " Yes, I did. Star did nothing wrong. Instead, right here, right now, Chocolate Mocha, Female Beta, I challenge you for Beta place and to be the second in command besides the Alpha."

*she nodded and dived, understanding, and stayed out of sight below the surface, watching with interest, since the reminder was also blessed with the ability to let Star tap into the senses of whoever wore it, and she smiled with a fierce pride, and thought gently in a tone laced with pride, which Spirit could hear* go get 'em girl! Edited at October 16, 2023 01:47 PM by Star Tha AOD

SpiritWind felt even better with Star's words, and she also saw WhiteStorm in the crowd with a proud look as well. She leapt at Chocolate Mocha, and the two rolled on the ground, and Chocolate Mocha grabbed a firm grip of SpiritWind's scruff. With a yowl, she ripped herself away from the other she, and the wind blew as hard as if it could rip up a tree, and didn't stop. This time Chocolate Mocha came at her, and SpiritWind batted her back with her paws, sending the she flying. SpiritWind charged, and pinned Chocolate Mocha to the ground while the wind wiped at their fur, the sky turning grey. Chocolate Mocha clawed with her back legs, and at SpiritWind's chest with her front, making her bleed. But she remained pinning Chocolate Mocha. She bit her throat, just enough to draw blood. " Give up?" SpiritWind snarled. And to her relief, Chocolate Mocha tapped the ground.

*unable to contain her pride, she spun, creating a water tornado, and burst out of the lake at the center, landing as gracefully as ever and howled with pride* yeah! now there's the SpiritWind i know and love *she nuzzled her gently and said* and you have storm powers! that is seriously cool, but also chaotic without training, which means i need to train you ASAP *she turned to MaskedStar, dipping her head with a mutual respect she had earned, and said* mind if i steal her for a bit? just so i can train her *her tail lashed with pride*

MaskedStar seemed shocked at....Everything. But she was also a wise wolf. " Very well, Star. But not for long, SpiritWind is a Beta now, she can't leave her pack for long. Rest of you! Back to camp." She helped Chocolate Mocha back as well. Before he joined them, WhiteStorm came over and nuzzled SpiritWind." There's the SpiritWind I know and love. Congrats, and hey, maybe some day I'll be the Beta male!" He turned, and followed the pack. SpiritWind then turned to Star. " You heard my Mother, I don't have long. Wolves Above, I missed having you as a friend. " She said, " What's first?"

*she nodded, understanding and said* i missed you too! hmm, first we should explore just how far yours goes right now, and how much control *she bit her lip for a second then said* i might have a idea where to go, come on *she sprinted to a arena with storm-grey stone and lighting streaks running through them, and said gently* welcome to the Storm Arena, a good place to practice *she steered her to a certain spot then said* ok, i need you to reach inside, and call your full power, calling on a deep anger or protective side would help