
SpiritWind woke the next morning, stretched and yawned. She shook her pelt, and grass and dirt left it. - That was one of the best days of my life!- She thought. " Wake up, WhiteStorm! " She shook him awake. " Wake up Star- Star?" She looked around for her friends. WhiteStorm blinked sleep away from his eyes. " Maybe she headed back to camp early? " He yawned. " Maybe.... What's this? What's it say?"

*it said* sorry, but your mom actually asked me to leave so the pack wouldn't be in danger, and to be honest, i was debating the same thing, only you can read this message due to it being written in spirit language, but it will be the last thing you see or hear in spirit, i have surpressed the rest of your powers, please don't try to follow me, i will miss you *a tear drop was next to her signature*

SpiritWind stared at the note. Star was gone? She wanted to follow, but she respected Star's wishes. And surpressed her powers? - Hello? Orb? Anyone? Anything?- Her mind was silent, and she felt her dreams would be too. - Star...- She thought. As far as she knew, there was never any danger! -Why?- WhiteStorm and SpiritWind headed home, but she didn't tell him about the note. They didn't find Star at camp either, and MaskedStar came out at told the pack she had decided to leave, the pack hadn't ' Felt Right' to her. SpiritWind oddly didn't feel any anger towards her mother. Instead, over the next few days, she lived as if all she is and ever will be, was a Warrior.

*she came back secretly, unable to be away from Spirit for longer then 24 hours and watched Spirit, sometimes getting up the courage to let Spirit catch a glimpse of her to let her know she was there, and sometimes she would go to sleep beside her a bit after she went to sleep and got up before Spirit did*

Within a moon or two, snow was flying. " SpiritWind! The Hunter's den needs reinforcements from the weather! Can you get some branchs?!" SilverSpot called from were she was standing besides the den. " Sure!" SpiritWind called back, the wind taking her words away. She headed not two far from camp, and collected fallen branches. She couldn't help but look for the orb. She knew Star said she had basically stopped her powers.... But she couldn't help but hope. The wind blew hard, nearly knocking her over. " Today's the day." She stared into the forest, narrowing her eyes against the storm.- Least I have WhiteStorm...- She thought. " Today I will become a Beta." She whispered.

*Star couldn't wait any longer and showed herself to Spirit the next time she was out, sadly greeting her* hello SpiritWind *she looked different but wasn't that hard to reconize*

" Hello, Star." She said simply. " You aren't permitted on this land, this is a pack's land, and you are either a loner or another pack, and then trespassing. " She said. " You should leave now, don't make me get a patrol." She said. She flattened her ears against the wind, and nosed the branches t beside her to block most of the wind. The snow was picking up as well.

i actually never left, you just didn't know *her ears twitched and she had a sad look in her eyes* Edited at October 14, 2023 07:16 PM by Star Tha AOD

SpiritWind stiffened. " Then you've been trespassing longer then you should have..." She looked away. - I can't... I just feel I can't trust her anymore... To many lies... I can't get myself too.- " Go! I swear I will get a patrol, or remove you myself!" She barked. " This isn't your home anymore." She whispered. " You shouldn't have returned." She growled. And started nosing the branches towards camp. " You have until I bring these to camp to go." She growled.

*she was sad* Spirit, it is still my home, and i don't intend to leave, i'm coming back with you to talk with your mom *she had a firm tone and she gathered some branches to help*