
*when she went down she spun, making a water tornado and splashed him back before saying through laughs* your not gonna win this battle bud

" You might win on water 1v1, but I'd win land 1v1! But what about... 2v1?! SpiritWind! Come on! Help me take down the stranger!" He said. SpiritWind looked up. " Well... Alright. I'm coming!" She stood up, and ran in. Sending up a storm of water while she skidded to a stop besides WhiteStorm. She's had some training, of course. " What you don't know..." WhiteStorm said, and the two broke away from each other, circling Star. " We've trained in ways to fight in water if needed..." Then, both dove down, disappearing completely. Not even a ripple to show where they were.

*she dived low, using her tail like a propeller, and dived deeper then most could*

SpiritWind looked around for WhiteStorm, she couldn't hold her breath much longer. She saw him, and they both watched Star go down. WhiteStorm was confused, but SpiritWind's wasn't. He nodded to her, and both headed for the shore. Once they got out, WhiteStorm sat on the shore while she went and sat on a big boulder. Both got into a fit of laughter, wondering how long it would take Star to noticed they were no longer in the water.

*she noticed but stayed down, seeing how they would react to her not coming up*

The sun started to die, dusk was working its way in. SpiritWind didn't noticed how long they had been playing, and waiting. " Shouldn't she be up by now?" WhiteStorm asked. SpiritWind nodded. " I can hold my breath longer then you, even if you can swim better. I'll take a quick dive and see if everything is okay. If I'm not up in 2 minutes, come after us." She walked into the lake, deeper and deeper. The Dusk sun had cast a red light on the water, and her pelt. She looked back at WhiteStorm, who had a hint of fear in his eyes, but nodded determined. SpiritWind dove under, and looked around for Star.

*it was hard to see her but she greeted her, seemingly perfectly fine with being down there so long*

SpiritWind let out what she could of a sigh without breathing in water, and rolled her eyes narrowed at Star. She then headed to the surface, and breathing, called out to WhiteStorm. " All is good! Star's fine." WhiteStorm breathed relief. She headed out of the water, and shook herself, spraying onto WhiteStorm. Then she called out towards the water: " Hey! Its getting dark! There's a firefly field close to here! Me and WhiteStorm like to spend fall nights like this there, gazing at stars and telling ghosts stories! Wanna join?!" WhiteStorm headed to camp, heading to tell the Betas what they were gonna do and not to worry. Star coming or not. While SpiritWind waited for Star's answer. Edited at October 14, 2023 04:21 PM by DeadlyClaw

*she swimmed up and joined them* ok!

" Alright! Follow me. WhiteStorm's gone to tell the Betas so they don't worry." She headed into the forest, and it got darker as the sun set. Heading towards the field. Her breath left the tiniest of fog while she breathed. " What was it my Mother wanted to talk to you earlier about? Or was it just a casual walk." She asked, while padding forward.