
your welcome! *she cocked her head when MaskedStar interrupted then Star said* ok m'lady, when i get back we can, ok Spirit? *she followed the alpha then said* what did you want to talk about? and if it's about my gift, Spirit knows about it *she paused then said* and i think she might have a similar gift, she can see a spirit's orb, and also talk to them i think

" Okay!" SpiritWind said. Then she headed to the den to wake sleepy head WhiteStorm, in a good for once in a while. MaskedStar padded on. " That's what I was afraid of...." She sighed, and turned to face Star, stopping. " Star." She started, " I don't think you can remain in my pack any longer. I can't help but fear, deep down, they are in trouble. And if what you say about SpiritWind is true, its better she doesn't go farther down that road." She closed her eyes, and thought hard. " By the moon's highest point tonight, you will leave. It's nothing personal, but its for my pack. If this... Darkness? Senses you here, or even SpiritWind if she learns more, we all will be in danger. " She gazed into Star's eyes. And her own was full of desire to protect her daughter and her pack.

*she was sad but understood and said* ok, i understand, it's better if i leave *she gently touched noses with MaskedStar and said* i'll surpress her gift the best i can but if i'm right, it'll only help for a time

" Thank you, Star. I wish you the best in the rest of your life." She dipped her head, and walked on. Indicating with her tail that Star no long needed to walk with her. SpiritWind sat while WhiteStorm ate. She had woken him, and they had done a quick border patrol. He had agreed to come to the lake as well, saying it would be a good thing to rekindle past and bond with Star. Her tail slowly waged on the ground, lifting up dirt and leaves a little bit. " I all ways loved my food to taste like the ground." He said. "Oops, sorry." She glanced at him, stopping her tail, and crouched down as well. " Wonder when they will be back."

*she came back, hiding her sadness and said* still wanna go to the Lake?

" Ya! WhiteStorm wants to come too." She said. And he muttered: " Well... I didn't say I needed too, you said you wouldn't let me sleep for a moon if I didn't-" He was stopped as a storm on dirt and leaves somehow hit him in the face. " Come on!" She ran out of camp, happy to be in the forest, and only stopped when she hit the shore of the lake.

*she chuckled and followed then gasped* it's gorgeous! *for a time she forgot MaskedStar's request*

WhiteStorm came, panting, and sat on the shore. " Told ya! But as its Fall, the waters not to warm, but not to cold just yet! You know how to swim, right?" Before even waiting for a answer, she ran farther into the lake, looked back, and disappeared under the surface of the water, leaving the water to ripple a bit.

*she looked at him and said* of course i do! *jumps in and scares him while he was underwater, coming up laughing super hard*

SpiritWind laughed on the shore, but didn't go into the water. Of course, it was beautiful, but she didn't really.... Know what to think of water itself. " WhiteStorm! Are you gonna let her get away with that?! She made you jump like a pup!" She then fell over, unable to keep her self up due to a fit of giggles. WhiteStorm glared good naturally, and turned it to Star. " Well then, handle this!" He used a paw to splash her, then pushed her under the water before jumping away.