
Moon | Female | Vampire "Okay, let's go then!" She says. "Bye, Damsel! See you later!"

Tangle|F|alpha Tangle nodded as she led the three wolves into the forest. When they entered, she sniffed the air, looking for prey trails.

Azalea | F | Hunter - Azalea kept an eye out as they walked through the forest for potential prey trails or scents. Hopefully they'd make some good catches today. She nudged her mate, Midnight, playfully.

Midnight smiled at Azalea, then paused."I got the scent of a couple of rabbits! Follow me!" His nose twitched as he led the group slightly to the left of where they were headed. Moon turns into a bat but flies low.

Tangle nodded and followed Midnight. She wondered the quantity of the rabbits they were going to catch.

Midnight stepped out into a clearing with three small rabbits and two larger ones. He began to stalk a larger one.

| Azalea | F | Hunter | Azalea also started stalking a rabbit, carefully approaching it in hopes of catching one. She treaded carefully, making sure not to step on anything that might alert the rabbits.

Tangle stalked a couple rabbits, being careful to not alert them of her prescence. She creeped around, killing the rabbits she could reach while keeping an eye for signs of suspicion.

Moon, meanwhile, was stlaking the fifth rabbit from the air. She quickly swooped down and caught it so quickly the other rabbits didn't notice.