Kyoshiro Kyo looks around inside the chest and she finds nothing so she barks and whimpers at the same time. BloodClaw He couldn't take it anymore with all of the barking and whimpering. "I need to open that chest and remind the pups on what's going to happen if they won't stop." Ruddiger Ruddiger looks around for anything sharp to open up the chest. He sees a object in the corner he went to go grab it as the wolfnapper and henchwolf wasn't looking. Nate Nate and Varian waited patiently. Edited at January 24, 2022 12:08 AM by Musa Princess
Shard Managing to knock the board off she was able to squeeze through, and she stood their taking a brief look around.
Nate Heard a floor board being knocked off he suspected that it was no ordinary wolf it was one of the henchwolves. But he and Varian where waiting for the right moment to catch this wolf.
Luna Luna barked and growled and wipmpered louder. Betting her tail against the chest and slaming herself into the chest wall.
Rosemarie Sighs jumping off the chest " make sure to stay on it, Imma go get some rest. " She say's.
Kyoshiro Kyo heard one of the wolfnapper or hechwolf jumping off the chest. Maybe they can finally open it. Bloodclaw "Enjoy your alone time." He said as he jumps onto the chest and lays down. Ruddiger Ruddiger decided to make this wolf get off the chest as the wolfnapper went off to go rest and perhaps do a trip wire. Edited at January 24, 2022 04:13 PM by Musa Princess
Rosemarie~ Rose nodded and layed in the corner, closing her eye's.
Shard She noticed the wolves, but not in time. No, she was outnumbered, she had no chance of winning a fight, but she wasn't going to not try. So she snarled her teeth showing, and her fur sticking up.
Nate Nate gave a nodded to Varian that it was their move so Nate made his first move which is was in the front. "I'm going to ask you again what are you doing here?" He said snarling back. Varian While Varian went behind the wolf and his got one of the liquid balls in his hands.
Shard Was aware of everything that was happening around her, so she decided to spin around and lunge at Varian. She didn't need the wolf to have any potions, otherwise she surely didn't stand a chance.