
Kylian He/him _______ location abandoned walmart _________ Kylian said "maybe I'll find you once I think of something "as he picks up the tracker pad and then scans him and said "okay I'll be able to find you where you go it not spying don't worry I can only see you location " as he smiles and then looks away and sighed before said " make sure to bring a weapon with you next time cause there is a lot of bad guys here "as he walks away before turning around and said " never caught your name"

Nathaneal He/Him ___________________ Location: Abandoned Walmart _____________________ He smiled "What's your's fist? Want my trust then show me you trust me." He said in a joking tone but yet his words on trust weren't really a joking matter. He had a hard time trusting anyone with his name despite it being the most simplistic thing.

Kylian He/him _______ location abandoned walmart ________ Kylian sighed and said "my name is Kylian Lynn Crawford but you call my Kyi or Kyle "as he looks at him and smiles (Sorry for it to be short)

Nathaneal He/Him ___________________ Location: Abandoned Walmart _____________________ He nods "Hm, nice name. Just call me Nathan." Not giving the longest response or the shortest. He then turned and looked at the Walmart and then back to Kylian. "Well then I'll see you around and I often come here so if I see your locket then I'll let you know" He'd chuckle. [Your fine as long as its more than a single sentence your alright ]

Kylian He/him ___________ location abandoned walmart ________ Kylian nods and grabs his stuff before walking away and towards home glad to be away from him since he really didn't trust him as much Kylian smiles and sighed before looking for a street address for his house that he lived in Kylian turns on to the street and sighed he lived far from town butnloved walking

Nathaneal He/Him ___________________ Location: Updating... _____________________ Nathan left quickly keeping in motion hoping the container of nails wasn't too loud as he raced. it didn't take him long to come upon his hangout. In the tunnels of this abandoned train stop that was below the surface. he had to walk down the tunnels for a while before he saw his train. The rusted wheels couldn't move so if was safe and the gears in the panels were so hard to move. He put the tote of nails under the third seat, easy fit. He went to the back of the train where he tore out the seats and took the padding and made a comfortable hangout with hanging lights. He laid down with a huff he felt so tired. Edited at December 19, 2022 02:13 PM by Morning Pace

Kylian He/him ______ Location abandoned house _______ Kylian walks into a abandoned house and sat his stuff down before calling his puppy and sitting down on a pillow that he found out side near another house Kylian sighed and pulls out a book and begins to read when he puppy came jumping in to the room happy and Kylian smiles and pets him and told him to lay down then looks back at the book

Nathaneal He/Him ___________________ Location: Run down Train _____________________ Nathan then felt an awkward poking in his back, he'd reach back and pull it until he had it in front of himself. Ah, the locket... he sighed and put it on the cushion in front of himself then grabbed his electric guitar from underneath the cushions with was hooked to the amp. He leaned forward and turned it up and changed to pitch. He began a gentle tune that left an echo in the empty train. He began to hum softly while thinking about what he could do to fix the locket.

Kylian He/him _______ location abandoned house _________ Kylian looks on the tracking pad and sighed he could tell where he was and he also can track his locket and found it it was with Nathan why did he lie to him Kylian sighed and got up before saying in Spanish "conseguiré a ese hombre" ( I will get that man) as he sighed and looks around before saying to his dog in Spanish "eres un lindo cachorro" (you a cute puppy)

Nathaneal He/Him ___________________ Location: Run down Train _____________________ Its been a while since his string broke, he sighed. Then its sharp texture sliced his finger. He cussed sharply before putting his middle finger in his mouth and gently sucking the blood out. He spat it into his water bottle and then opened up the new package of band-aids. He was always prepared. He took off the string and then noticed he could use it to replace some of the broken chain on the locket. He sighed then took the string and parted it until it broke in half. He fixed the chain in a matter of minutes and put a clear coat of a soluce that would keep it from cutting. He got up and went to the old jewelry and found a few small screw-like gears for the hinges on the locket. He opened it up and chuckled and mumbled something. After he finished the repair he opened one of the overhead pack stores and put it into that. - Also just saying its an underground train so if it were tracking it would show he was in a building since the train had broken down far away from the station so it wouldn't be clear on weither he was above or below ground]] Edited at December 19, 2022 02:51 PM by Morning Pace