Midnight watches the lioness from on the counter. The black wolf has her wings stretched out, watching the lioness lick her paw with her red eyes. Midnight flicks her tail, barking at the new lioness. "Who are you?" the hybrid growls.
The lioness looks up. "Hmmm?" she grunts. "Oh, hai!!! I'm Royal." Royal stuck out her tongue playfully at the hybrid wolf.
Midnight jumps down from the countertop, revealing how little she actually was; 22 inches tall. She was an adult but for some reason, she was very little. "I'm Midnight." She tells Royal. She smiles at the lioness and bows down in a playing position. Her tail is up in the air and wagging. She pounces at the lion. "TAG!" Midnight yells as she sprints away towards the stairs.
"AWWW YEAH!" Royal shouted, careening after the little winged wolf, her tail streaking out behind her and her paws thrumming against the floor.
Midnight sprinted up the stairs and into a bedroom. She darted under the bed and tried to hide as well as possible. She smiled, waiting for Royal to run past (if she ran past)her so she could run back downstairs.
Royal flew up the stairs at a breakneck speed, then skidded to a halt at the threshold of a door. She tasted the air, smelling her new friend. She dove under the bed and roared playfully.
Midnight yipped. She smiled and said, "I'm it!" she flew out from under the bed and jumped to the top. "Hurry and run!!" Midnight barked playfully.
Royal's eyes widened in mock fear, and she shot out from under the bed and streaked back downstairs.
Midnight giggled and trotted after the lioness. Once Royal was down the stairs, Midnight smiled and ran after her. She thought, This is fun!! Just then, she saw Sweet in the kitchen, waiting for food. Midnight looked around, searching for Royal (I'm going to bed)
(Goodnight!) Royal jumped on the wolf from high above on the tops of the cabinets. She had climbed up there using her claws, therefore leaving a ton of clawmarks, but she didn't notice. Her pupils were huge, and she was in ultimate play mode. She landed gently beside her and wrestled her gently to the ground, grinning.