Shadow smiled lightly and nudged one of the pups with her nose. Morpheus gave the motion for the party to attack. Lyra smiled as the group moved in and got the deer down. Her dad jumped out and attacked as well
(Just gonna continue this) With one graceful move, Tori wrapped herself the best she could around Shadow and the pups. She couldn't help but think about Lyra and hoping she was doing good on the hunt.
Shadows smile widened. "You know I had hoped for a litter of my own. I have been feeling pretty lonely lately but when it came to the chance of me having pups of my own, I was scared. And the when I didn't have any I grew sad." She said looking down at the pups. The group kept the deer pinned as morheus strode over. "Would you like to take the kill Lyra?" He asked.
"Oh really?" Tori mutters, her ears lowering. "I'm so sorry you feel that way, Shadow..." she adds, looking up at her. "Though I know it's not the same, you can visit these pups whenever you'd like, you're as much of their parent as Morpheus and I are..."
Shadow thanked Tori and began to clean the puppy. She allowed instinct to take over as she picked them. Lyra nodded and padded up to the deer. She sunk her teeth into the animal. She squeezed hard and found the main vein. Lyra sunk a tooth through it and blood began to fill her mouth. She swallowed it thirstily before dropping the dead animal and licking her maw. Morpheus gave her a lick on the head in congratulations before beginning to wonder about his son.
(Oh forgot about him TwT) tori watches proud but worried for Shadow. She didn't like knowing that she had felt this way and was being so good at hiding it. She was starting to think about possibly surrogating for Shadow, maybe even with this litter.
(I forgot his name and didn't want to look back XD😂) Shadow smiled fondly at the pups. She heard about wolves finding abondened litters and females being able to start producing milk to take care of them. She wished she could find one or take one in from a mother in the pack. Morpheus smiled proudly at Lyra. "Your mother will be so proud. He said. Come let's get our kill back to the pack." He then picked up part of the deer and waited for others to take their position. Lyra happily picked the doe up by the neck to help carry it back to the pack.
Tori wanted to offer the pups right then and there as she felt so bad, but she knew she couldn't make a big decision like that without asking Morpheus first. After everyone starts to walk off small footsteps can be heard in some nearby bushes. They're faint, but can still be heard. They seemed to be retreating from the area in the opposite direction.
Omg. I'm dying because im rereading all our posts and page 63 is so funny. You should read it. Especially the parentheses.😂))