
Ranger saw her and he felt happy to be with her. Ranger was unsure about the different seasons but he knew that no matter what happens they would be strong. Ranger knew that Winter would be the worst season for pups but he was willing to wait to have pups since he wanted to understand pups more. Ranger began to feel tried but he was going to stay awake for a while.

Serenity stayed asleep for a long time that day only waking up to stretch and get a little bit to eat before going back to sleeping. Curled up around herself. Letting Ranger do as he wished " Mybe get some more understanding on pups?" she asked "then maybe we can try for one"

Ranger said "I will do that. I will get to understanding pups. I do want to be prepared for when we do try for one." He look at her as he began to stand up. Ranger said "I will be back." He went to go get information on pups. Luckily for him that Abraham happened to be outside with some pups. Ranger ask Abraham for help in understanding pups to which Abraham agreed to help him.

Serenity woke up a few minutes later to watch Ranger interact and get a better understanding on what pups did to a pack. " Thank you Abraham. You are a huge help. I appreciate you helping my mate. for what is to come." she said it rather sarcastically, but really she meant it in a manner of love and care. Like a true mother. " Dont take all day though. The patrol pack was already chosen and should be headed out any minute. I wont be in that group. I got some business to attend to out of the border. Some nagging idiot from my past again. If im not back before dark, Send two members out for me." then ran off South towards that tower.

Abraham said "welcome." Ranger saw her run off to the south and he was unsure of what was going to happen. Abraham said "don't worry, she will be okay. She will be safe." He was feeling calm and he was not sure if she would be okay due to whoever it was from her past. Abraham said "pups are fun to watch and take care. But they can be handle full. They are also great for helping understand the meaning of life." Ranger nodded as he was listening to him.

Serenity ran her energy out for 40 miles before coming to a stop catching her breath. " Whatever you are wanting from me after allt hese years, it better be for a very good excuse" he growled, walking on after getting her drink of water from a stream. As she walked to the tower another 50 miles, she thought of her pack. But most of all, her new family she would be starting with Ranger.

Ranger and Abraham began to talk more about pups but Ranger was worried about Serenity and what was going to happen. Abraham had to reassure him that nothing bad would happen as Abraham knew how strong Serenity was at protecting herself but he would send two members out to find her if she was not home before dark.

She met the wolf that held her hostage all those years ago, a shield around her in case he meant harm. But she dropped it when she felt something odd about him " This isnt your normal self. Whats going on." She asked letting him speak. Now it was 10 years since they met so he was old in age at this point. " I understand. But why take me away from my family? Why make them suffer like that?" she asked all sorts of questions for hours on end to make sure that her prophecy was right. And it was. Then she did the unexpected. " COme back home with me. I know its a good 80 miles but I told my pack I would try and be back by midnight at the latest."

Ranger was thankful that Abraham was helping him but part of him was unsure if he would ever see Serenity again as he went to his den to sleep. Ranger was not wanting to talk to anyone else as he knew that soon it would be late. Abraham could tell that Ranger was feeling sad but he was not sure what to do for him. Abraham knew that Serenity would be back soon or so that he hoped. Abraham sighed as he watched Ranger who was looking even sadder but he knew that everything would be okay. Abraham was just hoping that he did not have to see that wolf who took Serenity as a hostage. He still hates that wolf.

The old wolf agreed " But you know they still hate me for what I did, Young One" Sereity sighed and nodded " Yes I know. But they will have to get used to it. Its been ten years since then. They cant keep a grudge for that long. Now come on. Im getting a unsettling feeling so we should head to my pack. My mate isnt happy that im gone for this long." The one One nodded and the two took the long journey back to the pack 80 miles back just when it turned to midnight when everyone was asleep. The Old One was behind Serenity when she stepped into their pack boundary and say on her haunches.