
Abraham was happy for her and he knew he would be there if she ever needed him or his help. Ranger was staying asleep as he knew that he would need rest. Ranger began to wake up as he thought he heard something or someone outside the den. Ranger saw that Serenity was there and he felt happy to see her. (Sorry, it's short.)

Serenity couldnt wait to tell Ranger how her meeting with her parents went and when she felt him wake up. her eyes opened and her head looked up " Hey darlin" she howled before sitting up " Its a yes from my father. Mom wasnt there, but im gonna assume that she would have said the same thing." then stood up and stretched her sore muscles " next Spring "

Ranger said "okay. That is great that your father agreed to let us have kids." He was thankful to Abraham for that. Ranger knew he would also be thankful that they allowed him to stay with them to help and everything else. Ranger was being trained to hunt with Alexandra since she did need the extra help.

Training the pack pups and the vuvinilas was Serenity's job till she would have someone take over that job for a while. "Me too, Ranger. Me too." she nuzzled him gently. As time went on, Serenity helped Ranger and Alexandra hunt. "Make sure to go all the way gown when hunting. You dont want your prey to spot you and run off to early."

Ranger said "I know." He was all the way down as he was watching some deer from the distance. Ranger had been trained by Alexandra and he knew exactly how to handle everything that the prey would do. Ranger went and he managed to get one of the big deer. Ranger managed to get him down and he look over at Serenity to see if she would be proud of him or not. Alexandra was surprised at how well Ranger took the deer down.

Serenity smiled as she watched Ranger kill a deer bigger than him " Keep doing it that way and you will get better my love" then turned to Alexandra " Your turn. Now any size of any amimal of your choice unless you want to attempt at a deer"

Alexandra was starting to feel like Serenity had never seen her hunt. Alexandra was getting tried and she had been training Ranger so Alexandra knew how to hunt. Alexandra did what Ranger did and she took down a deer as well. Ranger was surprised and he was feeling calm.

Serenity just watched the two bring down the deer without talking or moving. She knew wht was going on, but stayed silent Ranger. Run. Take Alexandra. Serenity didnt saw much after that, wanting to keep the two near her at that time safe. It was said that Serenity would be the very first pack member to have pups without her mate. But the pups would be everything like their father and their mothers powers. It was prophycied that it would be a full year before she would even have those pups. Making Serenity a rare wolf. But the most saught after one. She HAD to tell her parents before anything went terribly wrong. ANd thats what she did, she ran back to her parents den and interupted her father who was talking to another pack member " Father.... i need to talk to you urgently.... and privately" (my brain went into design mode for a while, trying to figure out what to do)

Abraham ask "what happened?" He look at her as he was worried now that she had ran into the den and he was afraid that something bad happened. Ranger and Alexandra went back to the back as they felt unsure about what was happening. Abraham was standing now as he was looking at her. (Sorry it's short.)

"Once the other wolf left and out of earshot, Serenity sighed and sat down in front of her father, her tail curled around her body. "I know im half of mom and half of you... but I was out hunting with Ranger and Alexandra and I actually froze. Rock solid. My eyes and and tail were all that could move.... I also knew something was different about me compared to the rest of the pack because I have a prophecy that was made before I was born." Serenity recalled all she could remember before looking at her father " Am I really that rare and saught after, father? Am I just like a white lion saught after their rare fur? Im way more than just a mix of you and mother. Im also a mix of the male that took me from you those many years ago. What will happen to me if this leaks out to the other packs?"