
Ranger responded I just heard footsteps. It must have been from Alexandra. He was watching as Alexandra had returned. Alexandra said "everything is okay with my brother. We agreed that I will go and visit him and he will get to meet my child."

Serenity smiled " thats good. At lest he apologized about what happened, Alexandra. I know its still hard for you, but hey, we are all family here even if we are all different. Right?" She them looked back at Ranger before spotting her mother and father " having a family is everyones top priority. Especially since there is a big danger still out there when I was taken away from mom and dad. Im the protector of the future children that are born into this world." Amber shifted back into her human form and grinned at her mate "shes the toughest one we had. And nothing can be stronger than your daughter."

Ranger smiled softly as he was listening to them. Alexandra said "we are family here. We will always be family no matter what happens." She look at her as she was feeling calm as Ranger was listening just in case they needed him to do something. Abraham said "that is true. She is the strongest. I am glad that we will always have her to be here to talk to everyone." He smiled.

" Alright everybody.. I think the best thing to do right now is to stay here. Its closer to Alexandras place in case we need another shelter when danger comes if it does." " But mother... I had things to d-" Serenity began to say before perking her ears up as she shifted " I have hunting to get done for the family and border patrol..." then looked at Ranger " I wont be long."

Abraham said "okay. We can rest in my old den if needed since we are right there and it is by Alexandra's place." He was telling the truth as his den was close to Alexandra's. Ranger listened to her and said "okay." He was sitting down as he knew he would never be able to do border patrol for anyone or help with hunting. Ranger was quiet as he was just going to let her do what she wanted.

While Amber was resting with Abraham, Serenity went off to go patrol around the surrounding area for not only food, but also dangers. She spotted nothing out of the ordinary. Just rabbits, squirrels... bear cubs playing in the leaves, and of course the occational chirp of birds. hey Ranger... i know you havent been allowed to go patrolling or hunt... what if I let you patrol with me in a day or so? gives up more time to be around each other

Ranger responded it's fine. I will be fine without patrolling or hunting. I am used to not helping even though it hurts. He laid down as he felt alone which is why he was curled up in a ball. Ranger was not wanting to move from his spot as he was feeling like he would never get the chance to help. Ranger did not sleep at all as he was wishing that he would be able to hunt and do everything else like Serenity was. Ranger sighed as he look sad.

Awww come on honey. Just try it. Serenity slightly pushed. SHe didnt want to make him uncomfortable. As the sun continued to rise in the light blue sky, Serenity stay out, hunting and storing the food. Only taking what she thought would be the best meals for the entire pack. THose items being a bear cub and a calf.

Ranger was slowly not wanting to respond but he did anyways and he said okay fine. I will try it. He was not wanting to but he figured it would be at least worth it. Ranger had stayed awake but he was not wanting to move just yet until he heard from Serenity or at least knew she was okay. Ranger slowly began to move now as he knew that he should get up at some time.

Serenity continued to cary the two rather heavy carcasses back to camp where the others were before walking to Ranger. But looking at Alexandra, her mother, and her father " time to eat or what?"