
Alexandra listened and she ask "why did you do it? Why did you killed him?" She wanted the truth of what had happened. Alexandra said "just tell me the truth." She was not sure what was going to happen. Ranger listened her and he felt happy but he was still not sure what was going to happen next. Abraham was listening as he was hoping that everything will work out for everyone.

"Because I didnt want you to get hurt...." he said rather softly. " Come on Alex....i used to be VERY protective of you. Brothers are going to be that way. Every single one will be. Even Serenity's chosen suitor. I can see it in his eyes" Serenity growled " leave Ranger out of this conversation. You have no right in putting him on the spot. Alex.. show him the way out and give him a gentle bite for me." she slightly shifted into her warewolf mutt form to give him a warning.

Alexandra said "There is actually something that I need to tell you brother. You are actually a uncle now." She did a softly growl and soon there was a child by her side. Alexandra said "I was actually pregnant and I was not sure how to handle everything. I am sorry for acting you brother." The child look like Alexandra but with different eye color. Alexandra said "Let's get you back home brother." Ranger look at them a he was not sure what was going to happen next. Ranger was not sure why he was being put into the conversation as he was actually the younger sibling but he was worried about his sister since she was his only family but now he had Serenity.

" you played me all right, Sis.... but for the love of the Moon, why do it? WHy make me more worried. " He chuckled " Does that mean I can visit?" Serenity snarled back " If it was my decition, it would be a no, but im not your sister, so she gets to decide if you are allowed to visit your child or not. Best if your Sister show you the way back home." As she stopped talking, Serenity walked back to Ranger and wrapped her arms around him " thank you for being the perfect soulmate"

Alexandra said "You can come visit the child as he will need an uncle. But just be careful with him as he is still young. Come on Brother, We can walk and talk." The child climb on Alexandra's back as she began to walk towards her brother's house. She was hoping that her brother would follow. Ranger smiled softly as he wrapped his arms around her as he said "I should be thanking you. You made my life better as you are amazing." He felt happy as he was not sure what their future would hold. Ranger ask "How are you feeling?" He was not sure what was going to happen next.

Serenity continued to hold him, his warmth taking over her " How am I feeling? Well.... other than finding out that Alexandra brother killed her boyfriend.... kinda made me wanna go on the defensive mode, but then I relaxed when I heard and saw her son. Wish that was us....." then looked into his eyes " us having kids I mean..." Alexandra's brother followed his sister back to his house, her son stayed behind.

Ranger said "I agree about that. Us having kids. I always wanted kids." He was feeling happy as he was not sure as he ask "when do you want kids?" He look at her as he was feeling happy. Ranger was nervous about being a father but he did want to be a father. Alexandra got to the house and she said "maybe we can see each other again brother. Just keep out of danger though." She smiled softly as she did care about her brother. Alexandra was happy to finally know the truth.

" Maybe just wait for a summer and then we can talk about it again. I want kids too but im not ready. " she nuzzled her body into him before stepping back and shifting into her werewolf mutt form and climbed the tree. The vantage point up in that tree was everything. You could see everyone and everything for a good hundred miles. " Again.. im sorry. But y-yeah.. you know where to find me when you want to visit." he half smiled before turning around and walking off back into the blackness.

Ranger said "okay." He was not sure where to go now but he was feeling tried as he was thinking about what she had said. Ranger thought *Maybe I am not ready for kids at all.* He look at the ground as he was thinking about that thought. Ranger lifted his head up as he heard someone. Alexandra said "Okay. See you later." She began to walk back to where everyone was. She was hoping that she was not making a mistake of letting her son meet his uncle.

What are you hearing, Ranger? Serenity said, lifting her head up, watching him. She smelled ALexandra close by " Alexandra? What happened with your brother? Is everything ok now?"