
Alexandra look at the guy and she did not look surprise. Alexandra said "it's you." She was not very happy to see the guy at all. Alexandra knew him very well and she hated him. Alexandra knew that she wanted to attack the guy but she was able to keep control as she knew that Abraham could easily attack the guy due to a rare gift that Abraham had. (Could it be Alexandra's Brother?)

" hold the urge, Alexandra" Amber spoke softly before glaring at the face " who might you be anyways. I have every right to know." She held everything within her power to not attack him " and also... step out from the shadows"

Alexandra said "he is my brother." She did not like her brother at all. Alexandra was feeling angry at her brother as she did not want him near Abraham's family. Alexandra sighed as she took a deep breath as she was waiting for him to answer.

" Oh is my sister fuming with anger? Dont be. I just thought I'd visit and see the sights since its been ages since ive been here..." she chuckled, patting her shoulder " as for why I want Serenity... its best if you just bring me to her. " The hell you are. No. Absolutely not. No way am I going to bring you to my only daughter who already has a suitor and she likes him. She doesnt like snobby annoying suitors like... well.. like you" she was being very honest, but then again she was testing him. Serenity was pacing back and forth, worried sick as it was getting later and later as the time passed by " come on.. .where are you...." she mumbled

Alexandra said "Answer why you want her. Before I do what I did back when you first caused problems." She growled at him as she was ready to attack him. Alexandra said "you are no brother of mine anymore. Not after you attacked my boyfriend and made sure that we would never be together. I still hate you for that Brother." She was hating him for everything that he had done. Abraham was worried about what was happening.

Amber sadly looked at Alexandra and glared back at her brother, but speaking to Alexandra " He did that did he? Well that would explain you not being with anyone since then" she said quietly, taking her hand in hers " Now... as where you stand, You are to shut up and follw us. But one wrong move when we get there, and you are done. Am I clear" Amber growled, her eyes sparkling menacingly in the light "Alexandra..Abraham, you go on back to the forest. Ill take it from here. I'll keep this one in my line of sigh as we head back." The heard a howl that was only her daughter getting worried

Alexandra listened and she nodded her head. She said "Okay." She began to walk with Abraham back to the forest as Alexandra said "let me know if you need help with him." Abraham began to see a clearing of the forest and he saw Serenity. Abraham said "hey Serenity." He smiled softly as he was happy to see her. Alexandra was still walking as she still hated her brother for everything but she knew that everyone was safe for now.

" Hi Dad" Serenity said walking over and resting her head on him, clearly giving up, but her head spiked up in warning when she smelled him " get that one away from me" she snarled, almost shifting. Alexandra's brother smirked " shes afraid of me for what? im not a bad guy. So what if I did something bad in the past. Its the past for a reason. Forget it. Ive lerned my lesson. from a few of you already. Do I really need another lesson?" His eyes caught Serenity's but he stood his ground " Serenity..."

Alexandra said "Be quiet Brother before I decide to attack you again. You are the main reason why I never got to be with anyone else. I hate you." She growled at him as she was already getting more angry at home and she was going to attack him. Abraham watched him and said "Maybe Alexandra needs to give you another lesson." He was standing in front of his daughter to protect her. Ranger was close by as he was ready to protect Serenity.

" she can if she wants, but she cant kill me. she knows that since the day i killed him" he chuckled " but come on sis.. dont fight me. Look.. im sorry about your boyfriend... I di-didnt mean to. it was an accident" Serenity walked to Alexandra and looked at her " he's telling the truth, just let him speak and make amends with him. " then he spoke towards him this time " but it wont mean he gets to have me at the end. I still choose Ranger"