
Ranger listened to her and said "Maybe this year will be fruitful or maybe not. I am not sure. My sister will be very happy when the baby is born. Would you like to meet the baby when he or she is born? I am sure that the park ranger will be happy and maybe he will be an amazing dad. I am pretty sure that when you feel ready and we have a family of our own. You will be an amazing mother."

" I really hope so. I have wanted to start a family but Im just worried that we may not get the chance" Serenity said higging him front behind. " But if we do have little ones... things will be hard. I would be delighted to see the little ones when they come."

Ranger listened to her and nodded. He said "no matter what the future will bring us. I know that I will be by your side." He was telling the truth. He would always be by her side no matter what the future was going to bring. He said "maybe someday my sister can come over and bring her kids for you to.meet."

Serenity sighed as she looked at Ranger " I hope you are right" she paused before looking away " What will the future bring? Anything that we are not ready for? Something unexpected?" She then pecked his cheek " But no matter what happenes, we will be a very, happy family."

Ranger listened to her and said "Even if the future brings us something that we are not ready for. Just as long as we stay together and be able to handle anything. We should be fine. We will always be a happy family." He smiled softly as he look at her. Ranger said "we will just to wait to see what happens in the future."

Serenity watched him leave. Whining as she too left to go serch for some food. She hadnt eaten in a few days. She being the daughter of Amber, she went over to her " I know its hard to be alone... but maybe being with Ranger, things will be...different.." she sighed before pushing her out into the open, smelling all the scents " I smell Ranger and everyone else.. but..theres more danger that I cant place my teeth to... Maybe we should go warn Alexandra" With out hesitation, Serenity ran off howling, digging her paws deep into the dirt before climbing a tree that was lose to where Ranger sat eating his meal. But she made no sound as she watched him. Amber wasnt too far behind, panting " Ranger...Serenity said there was some kind of... danger.. have you seen Alexandra or the others by chance? They may need to know if its bad"

Ranger heard them and said "I have seen them. They are over there." He moved to show Alex and Abraham's grandfather hunting for food. Ranger was not sure what the danger was at all as he had just started eating. Ranger was not sure what was going to happen. Abraham began to appear as he was smelling the danger as well and he was not sure what it was at all. Abraham turn to look at them as he ask "Do you both smell the danger as well?" He was not sure what it was at all. Abraham was ready to protect his family if he had to. (Sorry that it's short.)

Serenity snarled as she stood beside Abraham an his grandfather " I know I do. And I dont like it" Amber sighed loudly as she took in the scent " hang on a minute. Even though its a strange scent, doesnt mean that its dangerous..." she said looking at her group " Maybe...its someone needing help or protection.... " But the snarl that came back to them wasnt one that sounded like it was asking for help or shelter. " Hand her over to me and no one will get hurt" the mysterious voice in the shadow said. You could just see the outline of the dark green eyes. Serenity looked back and began walking forward " its me they want.. but I dont know why"
(No worries)

Abraham ask "why do you want her?" He was not wanting Ranger to feel alone as he was watching the shadow. Ranger was watching them as he was not sure what was happening. Ranger was not wanting to let her go. Abraham was not sure who the person or what they wanted. Abraham was hoping that the person would leave his family alone.

Serenity snarled louder before whining. Standing beside Ranger " Im not going anywhere away from my family again. Ive lost alot of my trust towards strangers and getting my family hurt. So I suggest you leave and go bother somebody else" she insisted rather harshly. The strange thing moved, still looking at Serenity before they growled and backed off. Serenity was in her human form, hugging Ranger, smiling up at him " you know id never take someone else, right? You are the one I was destined to be with and no one is going to keep that from coming into play when I bare your child"