
Ranger gave Serenity a hug as he felt happy. Ranger listened to Serenity's mom and said "To be honest, I don't really want to leave her. I never happy or felt like I could be myself around someone until I met Serenity. But I know that I would have to go home." He felt sad as he did not want to leave Serenity. Abraham had fallen asleep as he was tried. He thought that he had heard something outside and he woke up from it. He look outside and saw nothing. (Sorry its short.) Edited at December 13, 2021 10:23 AM by Werewolf

Amber sighed as she thought of what to say " Well, Ranger. Thats not my decition to make if you want to leave of not. Its yours and serenity's choice" The she paused for a split second " We can discuss this in the morning over breakfast. As of right noe... you need rest. Its midnight." She patted his shoulder before kissing her daughters forehead. Then left where he was before. With Abraham in his jaguar form. " Everything alright, My King?" she asked, snuggling back into him.

Ranger listened and he began to fall asleep. He knew that he wanted to stay with Serenity as he felt more relax around her. He wanted to get to know Serenity better but he was unsure if she wanted him to stay with her. Abraham saw Amber and said "Everything is alright. I thought that I heard something outside but saw nothing." He was relax as he smiled happily. He was very calm since Amber was there by him.

"I can go check it out if you want, Abraham. You know how protective I am of you and the kids. " . It would take years to get used to being around Ranger. Someone... outside the family circle. But she wanted to be with him all the same. Her mind that following morning kept telling her to not take him bacj to him home, but she ignored what it was telling her.

Abraham said "I know how protective you are. I just don't want you to get hurt." He was telling the truth. He look at her. Ranger began to wake up when the sun started to go up. Ranger knew that this meant he had to go home. He did not want to leave Serenity but he knew that they hardly knew each other. Ranger look outside as he was thinking about something.

Amber got everyone breakfast that morning, but when she gave one to Serenity.. she saw how worried she was and upset. " Mother.. I... I cant bring him back to his home.. I just... cant. I love him. I know he and I just met last night..." She looked over at Ranger before blushing and ate her food in silence " Well... we can talk about this later... I have to go pick up someone. Ill be back later" she then looked at Abraham " your mother will be here in a half hour. Ill be back soon with her"

Ranger said "thank you." He knew he had to tell Serenity his true feelings for her but he was unsure of how. Abraham look at Amber and said "Alright. I will stay here with the kids." He smiled as he was going to help with anything that he could but he was unsure of how he was going to be helpful.

Amber kissed and hugged each otherin turn before heading out the door to pick up Abrahams mother. Calling her few minutes later to let her know she was on her way. Meanwhile back atthe house, the twin boys were pestering Serenity about her love life. "For your information... Im just gonna drop Ranger back tohis place and come back. Its as simple as that. Get off my tail and leave me alone" Shelooked at her half eaten mealbefore looking at Ranger. Then excused herself from the table, walking back to her room and changed into travel clothes. I didnt mean what I said back there, Ranger. They know I have total felings for you,I just want themto leave me alone when it comes to my private life. I hope I didn't insult in you in anyway... and Im not really gonna bring you back home. I have a place close by where you can live and stay close. But only if you want. If you want to go back home, thats fine too. I just wanted you to have some other options. She said to him through her mind.

Abraham's mother had answered her phone. Abraham heard the twin boys and he said "Leave your sister alone. She can have her own private life to live." He was looking at the twin boys as he was clearly not wanting to hear any excuses. Abraham only wanted Serenity to find someone she loved and who loved her back. He had a feeling that it would be Ranger who would be his son in law but he was ok with that. He was hoping that his mother would be happy to see him again. Ranger got her message and he sent a message back with his mind *you didn't insult me at all. Maybe we can look at this place that you have if that is ok with you. I honestly don't want to go back home.* he was unsure of what was going to happen. Edited at December 17, 2021 11:21 AM by Werewolf

" COme on, lets go" Serenity said walking down the stairs and walked towards Ranger. " time to get you back home" Dont worry. I'll show you for sure. You're gonna like it. I built it myself, in fact She said grabbing his hand in hers and winked to her brothers " god luck not getting into more trouble while im gone" she teased as she led Ranger and herself out the door "Im sorry about my twin brother. They can be a pain in the tail sometimes" She then let go of his hand and just walked besoide him " it's gonna be a hike if you are up for it" Amber sighed as she hung up the phone " I just hope that they get along" she said out loud, turning right and went on for another mile before stopping at the destination. She then spotted her and honked the horn to get her attention. She rolled down the window " glad to see you alright" she said unlocking the passenger door " hope on in" and waited for the door to close before setting off back to the house.