
Abraham nodded and smiled as he watched them go. Abraham said "They grow up so fast." He look at Amber again and felt happy as he was unsure of what she would want him to do around the house. Abraham was very much calm. {Sure.}

" they do indeed" Amber chuckled as she hugged him from behind '" wanna snuggle til they come back?" . " The twins lost Serenity up in the foothills of the western territory, but they knew that she could handle herself . Up in the wester territory, Serenity smelled another shifter and began to walk towards it bear/ cougar? or maybe another Jaguar she thought when she stopped and finally spotted him in the distance whoa

Abraham said "Sure." He smiled as he turn to look at her. He returned the hug as he was feeling relax. Abraham smiled as he look at her. Abraham was unsure of what was going to happen next but he hoped that the kids would listen to him. {Do you want me to play the another male shifter?}

Sure) Selenas werewolf/jaguare form in the sunlight when she looked at the male in the distance. She was hidden pretty well until the wind came and gave her away. stupid wind she thought as she looked at the male a few feet ahead i hope he isnt mean or anything.... I need to talk to him and see what hes dong around these parts She slowly waled towards him, letting him know that she wasnt a harm to him

{Alright.} The male was rubbing his head as he was trying to figure out how to get home. He was a shifter but not one that anyone had seen before. This male was a tiger shifter and somehow had ended up in the forest which he seem to be looking for something. This male was named Ranger. He had given himself that name as he did not know what his real name was. He thought that he heard something and he said "Whoever you are, I am sorry for being here but I am just trying to find my way home."

Serenity tilted her head "before shifting back to human form " its ok. I wont hurt you. My name is Serenity. If you need help to get back home, ill be more than willing to help you" she walked up to him, but not too close " i can sense you arent from around here." she chuckled " come.. we can walk for now and try and get you where you need to be" She gave him a bright smile. " trust me. I wont leave til you get home"

Ranger said "My name is Ranger. Thank you for helping me." He smiled back and added "My home is away from the forest. I have to live in a house." He look at her as he was happy that someone was going to help since he had never been in the forest before. Ranger was calm as if showing that he was not going to shift or anything else. Ranger was relax as he look at her.

" Any time." Serenity smiled as she walekd beside him " How did you come here in the first place, if I may ask. I just... im the curious type. So my twin brothers say." She blushes hard. Trying to not show her immediate feelings towards him but she couldnt help it. " if it takes too long to get you back to where you need to be, I couls bring you to my parents home for the night if you want. Im sure they could help you in some way as well" The a howl came from just ahead " Damn it.. those whould be my brothers... they need me to come back home... " then looked at him " come with me back to the house"

Ranger said "Well I was being taken to my house when something happen. I was asleep when something had happened and next thing that I know I was here in the forest. Alright. I will go back with you but only if it will not cause any harm." He look at her as he was telling the truth. Abraham was looking at Amber as he was happy to be with her. He kissed her hand and said "My Queen." He was calm and relax as he was waiting.

" Awe.. dont worry. My parents will surely think of a way for you to find your way back. " Serenity said with a slight smile " come on.. the house isnt far" She finally met up with her twin brothers and they were mad. " You realize our parents are prolly upset thst we will be home la..." her older twin began to say " I know... but I just went off the trail and came upon, him.. apparently he lost his way..Im planning to take him home for now before I go with him to where he needs to be."