
Hello Everyone! Welcome to The Lost Tribe RP! - Heres the back story...... - Long ago, there were once seven noble wolf tribes, strong, fearless, and smart, but as the seasons passed, moons turned to years, the seven tribes dwindled down to four, leaving wolves to either turn rogue or join a different tribe, after many battles and words, even the fourth tribe was forgotten, lost, cast away but not empty, until one of the healers of the three tribes had a vision, 'Your once four claws now three, there is only one wolf that knows where this will lead, find the fourth claw,' Will they find the fourth tribe before its to late? Join the RP to find out! - Tribe names are Island Tribe, Shadow Tribe, Mist Tribe and Stone Tribe. - If you would like to sign up, please use the outline of my character below. - ranks are Guard, hunter, tracker, healer, beta and alpha, only allowed to make two wolves, the same pack is also not allowed to make wolves for beta and alpha in the same tribe. Thanks! -Island Name: Moth Tribe: Island Tribe Rank: Young Hunter Age: 2.5 years Gender: female Looks: Personality: Loyal, shy, caring, great hunter, Mate: none - Rules- Alpha's may NOT be challenged unless the alpha has done something to endanger the pack - M x F ONLY in this Rp (I dont hate M x M or F x F but just not in this RP) - Ask the pack first if you want to kill their character for permission - Any other questions PM me Edited at July 24, 2022 10:33 AM by IslandPack

Name: NightWatcher Tribe: Shadow Tribe Rank: Alpha Age: 3 Gender: Male Looks: Personality: Loyal, Outgoing, Strong, Leader Mate: NectarSong

ShadowStalker said: Name: NightWatcher Tribe: Shadow Tribe Rank: Alpha Age: 3 Gender: Male Looks: Personality: Loyal, Outgoing, Strong, Leader Mate: NectarSong
Approved! Just make sure if Nectarsongs going to be in the RP to make her character :)

Name: Ahkia Tribe: Island Tribe Rank: Alpha Female Age: 3.5 years Gender: Female Looks:  Personality: Loving, Caring, Tempermental, Maternal Mate: Open

Blizzard's Peak said: Name: Ahkia Tribe: Island Tribe Rank: Alpha Female Age: 3.5 years Gender: Female Looks:  Personality: Loving, Caring, Tempermental, Maternal Mate: Open
Accepted! Welcome to the RP! ^^

Name: Fighter Tribe: Stone Tribe Rank: Alpha Male Age: 5 years Gender: Male Personality: Strong, Brave, Feirce, Corageous Mate: Alpha Female Edited at July 25, 2022 11:34 AM by Wolf Pride
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Wolf Pride said: Name: Fighter Tribe: Stone Tribe Rank: Alpha Male Age: 5 years Gender: Male Personality: Strong, Brave, Feirce, Corageous Mate: Alpha Female

Name; Marble Tribe: Mist Tribe Rank: Alpha Female Age: 3.5 years Gender: Female Looks: Personality: Marble is a very caring and kind hearted female who can be intimidating when feeling threatened. A kindered heart who can be stern and stubborn when needed. While keeping Mist Tribe in shape. She can be a very loyal mate, and has been known to watch over pups in her tribe. Mate: Open! Just PM! ^^ Edited at July 30, 2022 11:37 AM by Stxrmmix <3

Stxrmmix <3 said: Name; Marble Tribe: Mist Tribe Rank: Alpha Female Age: 3.5 years Gender: Female Looks: Personality: Marble is a very caring and kind hearted female who can be intimidating when feeling threatened. A kindered heart who can be stern and stubborn when needed. While keeping Mist Tribe in shape. She can be a very loyal mate, and has been known to watch over pups in her tribe. Mate: Open! Just PM! ^^
Accepted, also love her so much, so pretty :)

name: mango tribe: island tribe rank: beta male age: 3.8 years gender: male  personality: loyal and caring and is a great fighter/hunter also he doesnt like strangers that much because of the past