
I have some dud pups I'd like to get rid of. I'm not wanting to go through the hassle of trying to sell them so I was wondering what "Leave Pack" and "Retire Wolf" would do? I heard something about getting bone fragments for getting rid of wolves?

leave pack is simple, theyll leave your pack but still be alive. they can show up in sanctuary if you select that option(not guaranteed though) retire is the one where you get bone fragments. its essentially killing them.

Like sonder said sonder ☆ said: leave pack is simple, theyll leave your pack but still be alive. they can show up in sanctuary if you select that option(not guaranteed though) retire is the one where you get bone fragments. its essentially killing them.
When you retire them they are dead so you can put them in your memorial too Edited at June 18, 2020 01:39 PM by Starpackhero

as advice, if you plan on coming back to WP I would retire so you can memorialize. Or just let them sit on your account, make sure you pop every now and then so your account isnt deactivated
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Game Moderator Neutral
Edited at June 18, 2020 02:09 PM by Destinations End
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I'm not leaving WP, just trying to make space and get rid of some unwanted wolves quickly. Sorry I did not see that topic. I spent a reasonable amount of time checking the Game Guide, FAQ and looked around on the Help Forum. There's just a lot there and it can be overwhelming, especially to a newer player. Also I probably wouldn't have known "free ranging" and "leave pack" were necessarily interchangeable terms here. Thanks everyone, you've answered my questions.