
A few months ago, my 50/50 howler (Evelyn) was doing amazing in the howl at the moon for the FMC. I got up to like, 4th place. The past 2 months or so, shes been doing horrible, and I cant even make it on the board because shes doing so bad. Is it due to age? Do they get worse as they get older because she is 10 years old (or close to it by now)?

no its because more and more players are getting the 50 howlers. also 50 howler rating is never a gaurantee it just boosts your chances.
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CriesInTheNight said: no its because more and more players are getting the 50 howlers. also 50 howler rating is never a gaurantee it just boosts your chances.
I know it's not a guarantee, but I just wanted to make sure it wasn't age that was affecting my chances

Age won't effect your chances ^^ So no worries there. You've just been unlucky

Really? I've been having the same question as MoonHowlers.
I've never had a howler get in top 10 more than once. They all do progressively worse in later months.

Mars, huh. Mine has generally done bad even when she was young but she's recently been improving despite being in line for deathscript.

its cause the competition is getting better. has nothing to do with age Life on Mars said: Really? I've been having the same question as MoonHowlers.
I've never had a howler get in top 10 more than once. They all do progressively worse in later months.
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