
I decided to change alliances after one of the ones I was in started dying out. I found an alliance that I liked, sent in the application, and soon realized that the leader is inactive. If I go and apply to a different alliance, while my application is still "pending," will it affect my ability to be accepted into a different alliance? On top of that, what happens if the inactive leader gets on and accepts me, but I already have my 3 alliance slots full? Thanks a head of time!

It shouldn't effect the pending application, as far as I know. On a different account, I applied to two different alliances, while only one alliance slot left. Both of the alliances accepted my application, but it only let me join the first one. Now, I'm not a premium, so I don't have any experience on the other end of things, but as far as I can tell, it doesn't effect your application, and whoever accepts you first gets you.

Messages received to your 'game mail' inbox tab are deleted after 3 days so if they're not on within that time frame it won't be seen. If your slots are already full and they do log on it will say something along the lines of 'Oops! This member does not have enough alliance slots' Be aware that this isn't the exact message they'll get but to simplify it the alliance leader will not be able to accept you ;)
