
Sooo, uhh Im wondering, what are bones for? I have wondered this ever since I join WP. Im just kinda asking, no rush to answer. I'd prefer if this was answered sooner though.
Regards, Wisteria and her Pack <3

Bones can be used to buy items in Bidoo's Boneshop under the Realm tab. You usually get bones by retiring wolves.

Valiance said: Bones can be used to buy items in Bidoo's Boneshop under the Realm tab. You usually get bones by retiring wolves.
Or purchasing apples with PayPal (buy them real money) (If you want)

Can I do that with a femur bone I found? When I looked at my bone count, it said I had no bones tho?

@Moon Shadow: femur bones are different from the bone fragments used as currency. Femur bones are pup toys which you can use on a pup to give it CP.