
Hi, so I've seen some wolves with Chimera 1 or 2 or 3 or 4, but whats the difference between those? I can't really tell because a lot of the Chimera wolves have different markings on them so its hard to see a difference or if its just a marking. And if I want to try to get a chimera that has a specific color combination like half black and half white, do i need to keep breeding black wolves to white wolves and hope for the best? Is there any tips to this? Edited at September 30, 2018 09:12 PM by Code of Honor

I'm 100% sure since Chimera is a defect that the coloration of a wolf is not involved with it, so breeding a black base wolf to a white base wolf will not guarantee a Chimera because defects are absolutely random. Although breeding to a wolf who has the Chimera defect will give you a chance of having one, however like all defects, this is not a guarantee. The variations of Chimera are entirely different from each other, not like the other pelt-changing defects: albino, melanism etc.
[ please correct me if I'm wrong about the coloration of the Chimera variations ]
Chimera 1 [Granite] = https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?decor=Y&id=1989533
Chimera 2 [Obsidian] = https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?decor=Y&id=1937008
Chimera 3 [Hickory] = https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?decor=Y&id=1984493
Chimera 4 [Sandstone] = https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?id=1948616w=150&h=150
Edited at September 30, 2018 03:52 PM by Phantom Leaf

Like Phantom said, the difference is the pelt color of the chimera markings. You have an extremely low chance of breeding a chimera if you breed two wolves with no defect. If you would like a chance at a black and white chimera, try breeding a white female to one of the studs with chimera 2[?] which is the Obsidian.

Can I have a clarification - So you guys are saying the differences between the Chimera 1/2/3/4 defects is just the placing of the chimera marking? And that the color of the chimera defect is random? Or you are saying that the chimera color depends on the base pelt color of the parent wolves? Or that every chimera marking has unique placing, and the placing is completely random? If you guys are saying that the Chimera color for Chimera 2 is obsidian, am i only able to get a obsidian Chimera 2 marking from the stud with chimera 2

The difference is both the color and the placing of the marking. For example, all Chimera 2 markings are obsidian and are all placed in the same spot. The chimera color has nothing to do with the parents IF neither of them are a chimera. A chimera 2 male can ONLY give you another chimera 2. You cannot get a chimera 3 from a chimera 2 parent IF its offspring have chimera.

Ok I can see that now.Thank you for clarifying. I was kind of expecting the defect to be a bit more complex and thats why I got confused.

I've been wondering: What does this boost/defect "Chimera" even do?

It's a defect, and it partially changes your wolf's appearance based on the type of chimera it has. It doesn't boost or take away any other stats.

Grimm said: A chimera 2 male can ONLY give you another chimera 2. You cannot get a chimera 3 from a chimera 2 parent IF its offspring have chimera.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but a chimera 2 would have the same chance as any other wolf to have a pup with chimera 3.

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Cashmere said: Grimm said: A chimera 2 male can ONLY give you another chimera 2. You cannot get a chimera 3 from a chimera 2 parent IF its offspring have chimera.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but a chimera 2 would have the same chance as any other wolf to have a pup with chimera 3.
This is actually incorrect. It works the way Grimm explained.
A chimera 2 parent only has the chance to produce a chimera 3 if it's bred to a chimera 3. In a case like this you have the rare chance to get either a chimera 2 or a chimera 3 pup Edited at June 5, 2020 10:46 AM by Destinations End
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