I am pretty new to this game, but I think i have most of the basic stuff figured out. HOWEVER, i do have some questions concerning strategy: (aka multiple questions about one topic)
How do you get your wolf to max CP before h/s dies?
I asked this question because I get 30pts to assign per day. Even if i gave all the CP to one wolf, h/s would be pretty old by the time it had max CP. It would die maybe a week later and all the CP would be wasted.
Can only premiem accounts manage to give lots of CP to their wolves without wasted it?
Do you have to buy a lot of mush with real money to purchase the statue thing that gives 20 CP to your wolves?
Do you hope that you make lots of friends to gift u w/CP for your wolves?
Or is there another way to give CP to your wolves that doesn't include any of that? Or is it a combination of all?
Or am i just missing something that should be really obvious? :(