Hi there!
This guide is designed to help members with Explore.
*Note: There may be minor differences in the text and images.
Explore is the best way to find food, build up your mushroom stash, and find items for crafting (which also sell for mushrooms). There are a lot of random encounters that can occur while Exploring. Your wolves can find mushrooms or random relics, can fall in quicksand, and find scent trails to follow to prey. We will try and cover most of what can happen in Explore and also most of what can be confusing to newer members.
1. What is required BEFORE you can Explore?:
Questions to ask yourself:
Are my Wolves Hungry? Are they Thirsty? Are they Hurt?
⊱ Any wolf that is 2 years or older can go Exploring, but only if you meet those three requirements. A wolf that is too injured, too hungry, or too thirsty to Explore will not appear in the list to select for Exploring. The wolves below are not ready to Explore.
(click to enlarge)
2. Are YOU ready to Explore?
You only get 30 Moves on Explore each hour (or, if you're Premium, it's 40 moves every half-hour). Once you use all those up, you have to wait to get more. This is what it looks like when you are out of Moves... Notice how it gives you a count-down till you get your next 30 or 40 moves.
(click to enlarge)
3. Now! You're Ready to Explore!:
Selecting your Wolves
⊱ When you have available Moves to use and wolves raring to go out into the wilds, you'll have a list to choose them out of. Remember, you can only take a max of six wolves exploring at a time. You can take as few as one wolf out if you want though.
⊱ Now, in that list for each of your available wolves you will see radio-buttons for Yes or No. Select a max of 6 with ""Yes"" and they will be the ones going Exploring.
(click to enlarge)
⊱ Now, about the bottom of that page. You have a few options for which map you want to go to.
1. Continue Highest Level ─ This means you are going to go where you last left off. Wherever your wolves ran out of moves before or stopped because they were to injured/hungry/thirsty to go on.
2. Restart Highest Level ─ ONLY pick this if you are absolutely sure. This means that you will permanently lose all your progress on your highest level and start at the beginning of that level.
3. Replay ─ Once you are a higher level than Level 1, you can go back to earlier levels if you want to just train your wolves or go hunting with easier enemies. Note: You cannot save progress on these lower levels, once you disband, you lose that progress. BUT, your highest level will always been saved. You won't lose any progress on that high level by playing on lower levels.
The Overview:
⊱ Here is the map in Explore. It is 20 x 20 (20 squares wide and 20 squares high) meaning there are a total of 400 tiles per map. The lines on the map represent which directions are open for you to go and the arrows to the right will only show up for available directions. You can see one of your exploring wolves on the map to show you where you currently are at all times.
⊱ I have labeled different parts of the map. Below is an explanation of each one:

(click to enlarge)
A: Forest Level ─ This is telling you what level map you are currently on.
B: Progress Bar ─ This bar gives you an idea of how many of the total 400 tiles you have explored thus far.
C: Enemy Count ─ The number to the LEFT of the Cougar image is how many enemies are left on this map.
D: Move Count ─ The number BELOW or to the RIGHT of the "Moves:" tells you how many new tiles you can explore before disbanding.
My Pack Disbanded!:
⊱ There are two reasons for your pack disbanding in Explore: Either you ran out of Moves. Or, your wolves got too injured/hungry/thirsty.
If you're out of moves, you have to wait until you get more (or purchase more, we'll discuss this later). If your wolves are injured/hungry/thirsty, once you correct this, you can go right back into Explore.

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How to ADD Moves:
⊱ You do not have to wait till your countdown is over. Chinese Pottery costs 20 mushrooms and gives you 20 moves. You can only use them ONCE each.
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Oh Dear, I Think I'm Lost!:
⊱ First thing's first, you're not the only one. There are many ways to Explore successfully... here is just one method.
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⊱ There is an item in Barter (Realm >> Barter) called the Explorer's Map for 30 mushrooms that will help you find your way also, if you prefer. It is a single-use item.
How Do I Level Up?:
⊱ There are two requirements to level up: Explore All 400 Tiles. Battle All Enemies
⊱ If it is not letting you finish the current level, there are three things to check.
1. Is your Progress Bar completely full? Even the slightest sliver of tan means you're missing tiles.
2. Is your Enemy Count at 0? You don't get to level up until you chase off or kill all those pesky competitors.
3. Have you tried moving around the map? Once you've finished step 1 and 2, you just need to move one more time to get the prompt to level.
(click to enlarge)
Above is an example of a nearly completed map! But now, what does it look like when I finish all 3 steps from above?
(click to enlarge)
Man! We're awesome.... Now, next post, we'll talk about all the aniaml encounters and events that can happen while Exploring.
(All Credit goes to the original creator of this guide, Shiranui)