Plot / Background:
Wolf-dogs from low content and ultra high content have become pests in the human world. Not exactly pets, but not exactly wild. Wolf-dogs have a more conflicted mindset especially in low content ones. Unstable and unpredictable, but still social and confident around humans. As a sanctuary that saves wolf-dogs from different situations to give them a place to be free, but around humans. As the sanctuary over the years have had litters from their own wolf-dogs or rescued. They slowly began planning to introduce wolf-dogs into the wild.
A group of wolf-dogs ranging from low content wolf dogs to ultra high content ages 1-3 have been raised together to form their own social hierarchy. They know each other and some get along and some do not. The humans were very careful to not overly socialize with the species or interfere with the social hierarchy. Though it doesn't mean the wolf-dogs did not get attached to their luxurious lifestyle. But also the wolf-dogs could still get emotionally dependent on humans to a point. The pack of wolf-dogs were soon sedated and placed in soft release kennels for their experiment in the wild. The wolf dogs will wake up lethargic and dehydrated from the sedation. A mass of confusion and even panic will spark in their minds. All new sights and scents will overwhelm the pack, some may welcome it and some may be afraid. Since the wolf-dogs are young and do not fully depend on humans. They have a surviving chance to tap into their wolf instincts to be wild animals. The wolf-dogs must learn to fight and hunt together as a pack. They must learn to trust one another. They will face threats of larger apex predators. They may possibly come face to face with their wild side of lone wolves or packs.
The wolfdogs will also have to figure out the inside of their pack roles. Will they keep the same ranking as their sanctuary life? As the wolf dogs will realize that they have e collars that tell the humans locations and vitals. Will the pack divide to help the humans or ruin the experiment? The wolfdogs will be dropped off in the middle of a plain in the late summer. Only with the harsh cold winter around the corner, will they survive or perish? But with that, the wolf dogs never knowing what it's like truly to be wild and on their own. Will they figure out? And to establish pack laws if they can figure out to stay alive together..
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Roleplay: TBA