Name: Stryder
Age: 6
Gender: Stallion
Role: Herd
Rank: Lead Stallion

Credits for images go to Staycalmpartyon on DA.
Stryder is the definition of "tall, dark, and handsome". His limber, well-muscled figure is well-proportioned and defined. He stands at almost eighteen hands, taking after his late father, who was an obnoxiously tall horse as well. Stryder is named for his long, easy lope that makes him appear to be moving in slow motion with reaching strides and fluid actions. His ancestors were Paso Fino and Thoroughbred, though, over time, those genes were significantly dilluted with all the other breeds that make up the American mustang. However, some of these genetic fancies ended up inside Yours Truly.
Stryder holds his large head high on a long, muscular neck attached to a barrel-chested body. His hooves are large, providing great balance and surefootedness across uneven terrain, and his legs are sturdy as well. He has a short tail, for what reason he cannot say, and a fairly short mane that, were it any shorter, would potentially stick up in the air as though he'd been electrocuted. His tail has no arch to it whatsoever. When he lifts it, it sticks straight out vertically and goes no higher.
His eartips point in towards each other very slightly, and he hosts a minimally dished face. His coat is short and sleek, silver in color, with a black mane, tail, and points. His grulla coloring matches the summer thunderstorms that drive across the plains.
Stryder has flared nostrils and an Arabian's shortened back with one less vertebrae than the average horse. He has some scars on his chest and flanks from various fights with bachelors, non-equine predators, and living in a harsh environment. His voice is low and steady, easy to listen to, and hardly ever raised.
Stryder is a smart horse. He knows what to do in odd situations, like getting caught in barbed wires, and has evaded almost all predators he's encountered. He joined a bachelor band shortly after being kicked from his original herd, and he has been loyal to these "brothers" ever since. Stryder has always wanted a family of his own, and he is more of a one-mare-stallion. He does not wish for a large herd and is mainly traveling with other stallions for company.
Stryder is mature, calm, and quite stubborn. He is logic-oriented and tactical in his approaches to different things, preferring to take the thoughtful and mature approach to issues rather than blow everything out of proportion. His calmer nature can irritate others at times -- especially when trying to get him riled up. When he does happen to lose his temper, Stryder goes ballistic. There is no real inbetween with him: he is either calm and mildly irritated or on the road to Murder Town. He is fiercely loyal to those he is close to and has no problems fighting a little here and there to keep them safe.
His sobriety can make him a buzzkill at times, but he means well. Stryder is a ladies' man, but he does not push luck or boundaries and is, in general, quite a chivalrous stallion. When around mares and foals, he is usually careful with his words and actions; Stryder loves foals -- not that he would let anyone know that, of course. He usually keeps to himself but will give direct orders when the need is there. He likes to let his herd members have their say in things and will only get involved with harshness when absolutely necessary.
Stryder is curt with those around him and is not one to pick favorites. He loves, yes, but he is not one to show it outwardly. Foals and yearlings will see a fatherly side as well as the stern and snippy one, while older horses are expected to know better and may be met with reprimands at times.
Twin Brother -- leader of the band, TBD
He hasn't settled down with one mare.
Open to foals two years old and under.