4 of my explore wolves have both luck and perception maxed out. Yet this is the wolf that finds every single item:
Thus, her name: Meticulous Mind. But she only has 120 luck and 20 perception! The same situation has happened before with my wolf The Failure of Genius, so it seems that for discovering items, a certain wolf will be chosen to be the main finder. I’m finally “retiring” her from exploring because I’ve completed BE training her, so we'll see what happens next.
This leads me to the question: Who exactly is chosen to do a certain explore action (fishing, spotting things to dig, raiding, helping animals)? I definitely don’t think it’s random, as certain wolves have a higher tendency to do a certain action. A good thing about this is that it seems wolves with higher CP in a certain trait is more likely to utilize that trait. For example, if Wolf A has high morals and Wolf B has low morals, and both are exploring, it’s very likely Wolf A will fix the beaver dam, and you will gain 5 moves. So not all of your explore wolves need all explore traits maxed out, as long as a few have high CP in each helpful trait.