Note: This is a premade shop. Do not ask for customs. Thank you.
1. Please do not fight over designs.
2. Always provide credit.
3. You may add or change the design but not so much so that it becomes unrecognizable.
4. You may post offsite with, again, credit.
5. Try to give others the chance to purchase designs.
6. Do not hassle me about making more. I do this for fun.
7. You may make requests via PM, but that does not mean the design will go to you. It will be a public sale.
8. Do not resell for more than you bought unless art is added, etc.
9. Think it's too expensive? Then don't buy!
10. Have a great time B)
NONE, come back later.
Note: This is a premade shop. Do not ask for customs. Thank you.
1. Please do not fight over designs.
2. Always provide credit.
3. You may add or change the design but not so much so that it becomes unrecognizable.
4. You may post offsite with, again, credit.
5. Try to give others the chance to purchase designs.
6. Do not hassle me about making more. I do this for fun.
7. You may make requests via PM, but that does not mean the design will go to you. It will be a public sale.
8. Do not resell for more than you bought unless art is added, etc.
9. Think it's too expensive? Then don't buy!
10. Have a great time B)
NONE, come back later.