End date: September 10th and seconds before Midnight Gametime, so 11:59, Please note, this date is a little far away so I have leg room to change it, which could possibly happen depending on the response rate, so please keep up with updates. PLEASE PM me if you need more time, the more people who pm me this the more likely I am to extend the end date.
What is this Contest and How will it work:
So I do this Contest whenever I am gone from WP for many months and then returned, like the last Scavenger Hutn in Octotober 2022. And cause I love throwing apples at people
I did this a few times now and they were always a hit, so I want to redo it but bigger once more. by bigger I mean more rewards, used to be 120 apples total, now its 300 apples, but there will be more questions asked than the usual 10 questions.
Bascially this game will test your knowledge on WP, EVERY Link on this WP is free game for me. What I mean is, every Guide on WP could be used by me for a question, Every forum post could have been used by me etc.
There will be Tiers rising in difficulty, please do not complain about the higher tiers. If you dont know the answer, that is ok, you will not be winning a million dollars (or other IRL currency you use) from this contest
- Please be subscribed to this forum (you can do Subscribe to OP so you only get Mail when I post) or at least check-in once in a while in case I change any rules or make updates. If you don't do this, I will not be at fault if you miss important new info. If I have specific info for you, there is a good chance I will just quote your post and ask, I may also pm you but thats not a gaurantee, so check for updates here and there. The new updates will be pinned to the front of the post, so on page 1 or page 2 if I post too much.
- You may not mention anything related to an answer in the forum post, if you do, you will be reported, removed and the question will be removed and replaced
- You may not PM me asking for any hints, if I think a hint is needed, I will add one.
- You may not be in chat and ask for the answers, of course Im not on 24/7 and can't check but if I see you doing that, the question will be removed and replaced and you will be removed from the contest. If a player is not in this contest, but happens to ask a question that is also in this Scavanger Hunt, I of course can't do anything about that. So leave them be.
- Bothering other Players for an answer in pms isn't allowed either, if I am notified of this (with evidence of course) you are out of the Contest
- DO NOT ask me in the end how many points you got, or why you didn't win.
- Please Keep in mind that after a certain length, PMs won't go through (im not sure how long the pms can get). So please do this:
For lets say Tier 1, you will pm me the first 10 questions in 1 PM, with title/subject of Mail being ' Contest/Scavenger Hunt: Tier 1, prt. 1 (this will be first 1-10 questions) and your answers will be NUMBERED. So example, Answer format: Q2. dogs are blue
Then send me the next pm with subject/titel being: Contest/Scavenger Hunt: Tier 1, prt. 2. With the answers format also being numbered + answer
Don't worry about me organizng the pms, I have got a handle on it. And PLEASE add the question and your answer, thanks!
- USE THE FORM given by me below
- There is no set answer format for every question, as long as you give the right answer in your explanation, you can explain it in whatever way you want. And no extra points will be given for bonus answers, unless the Question has the option for a bonus Question
- If you have questions, please post them in the forum, unless your question involves the answer to a Scavenger Question then you may PM me, but you shouldn't be asking me for any hints anyways so be wise what PM you send me.
The Points and Reward system:
Every question is worth 1 point, with the following exceptions:
The question: Are dogs awesome? ( this would then be worth .5 points)
Bonus: Why are they awesome? (this would be worth 1 full point)
Answer: Two options, either I don't answer the bonus question, only the main question. Or I answer the bonus question AND main Question, not just the bonus question.
The question: Can a dogs fur be blue? Can a cats fur be blue? Why or why not? (answering them all right gets 1 point, but only answering 1 of them right gets you a total of .5 points because .5 was takent off since you didn't answer both questions right)
- Points also do not stack, if you get 2 questions right in Tier 1 and 5 right in Tier 3, then you will not have 7 points total because each Tier gets its own set of rewards.
Please note, a Player may only be able to win two out of the 4 tiers, more explained below.
10 apples ---> Tier 1 (20 apples for first place, 10 apples for second place)
25 apples ---> Tier 2 (40 apples for first, 20 for second)
35 apples ---> Tier 3 (60 for first, 30 for second)
50 apples ---> Tier 4 (80 for first, 40 for second)
300 apples total^^
Exceptions to these Prizes:
If there is a tie where two Players have same points in a tier and both have a chance of being 1st or 2nd place, I will be using a randomized spinning thingie from the internet. Forgot what they are called, but I will show proof of it, if that were the case.
If a Player gets 1st place in 3 Tiers, they will get the rewards from two of the lowest Tiers. So if Player A got Tier 1, 2 and 4 right; they will get the rewards Tier 1 and 2 NOT 4 and 2.
Bonus Reward: Even though players can only win 2/4 tiers, if they get EVERY QUESTION right from EVERY Tier, they will be able to get the first place reward of EVERY TIER. That would be 200 apples; yummy. If a player like this exists in the contest, then other players will only be able to fight for 2nd spot, so try to get them all right for a chance of winning way more apples :OO.