
Please, I still can't get the hang of forums. Could someone please explain me how can I keep track of the forums I like? And do I get notifications from forums? And if so, where? Thank you in advance

Keeping track of forums you like : Use the bookmark function on the very first post of the forum. It's on the bottom right of the first post.
Notifications: Click Subscribe, you now receive notifications for every new post there
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Awesome! Thank you :3 Iruna said: Keeping track of forums you like : Use the bookmark function on the very first post of the forum. It's on the bottom right of the first post.
Notifications: Click Subscribe, you now receive notifications for every new post there

Also, 'Subscribe To OP' is that you only get notifications when the pack that made the thread posts something.
Also a function, go to the main forums page, scroll down. At the very bottom you will see 'Follow Packs'. You can type in a pack's pack number which can be found if you go to their page, below the paws. Type that/paste that number into the typing box and you will get notifications every time that pack makes a thread.

Nice! Thank you p l u t o said: Also, 'Subscribe To OP' is that you only get notifications when the pack that made the thread posts something.
Also a function, go to the main forums page, scroll down. At the very bottom you will see 'Follow Packs'. You can type in a pack's pack number which can be found if you go to their page, below the paws. Type that/paste that number into the typing box and you will get notifications every time that pack makes a thread.