
Which pelts and markings are acceptable for a new member to create theyre Starter wolves? In other words, if I make a new account which colors/markings can my first two wolves be? Edited at January 28, 2019 04:00 PM by Warrior

white, cream, grey, silver, slate, tan and black are the basics I believe for base colors
and for marking, anything for muzzle marks and leg/tail marks are allowed. same for facial marks. and thats it Edited at January 28, 2019 03:35 PM by Wolffang

Base colors: white, silver, grey, slate, black, cream, tan, brown, chocolate, ochre, red. Point colors are the same as the base colors. Leg markings: high, medium, low, paws Head markings: throat, cheeks, large facemask, small fasemask.
I don't believe there's tail markings on starters.

Dash Attacked said: Base colors: white, silver, grey, slate, black, cream, tan, brown, chocolate, ochre, red.Point colors are the same as the base colors. Leg markings: high, medium, low, paws Head markings: throat, cheeks, large facemask, small fasemask.
I don't believe there's tail markings on starters.

Game Moderator Neutral
Dash Attacked said: Base colors: white, silver, grey, slate, black, cream, tan, brown, chocolate, ochre, red.Point colors are the same as the base colors. Leg markings: high, medium, low, paws Head markings: throat, cheeks, large facemask, small fasemask.
I don't believe there's tail markings on starters.
^ This but also Muzzle type: stripe, narrow, wide Muzzle color: same as the base colors Dash listed Edited at January 28, 2019 04:02 PM by Destinations End
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