
Hi all!
I'm new and would like to ask about a few things I'm not clear on.
- What is the maximum number of pups possible in a litter? I know that number of pups is determined by the father's charisma and mother's maternal score, but what is the range of possible values? Also, is there any randomisation to it? Do parents with 0 values for both ALWAYS produce a single pup or is there a chance of them have two, for example?
- To what extent do the parents' appearances affect the pups' appearances? Will the pups' base coats always be the same as one of the parents, or is there some randomisation to it? Or is it actually completely random and the parents' base coats have no affect? Same goes for nose colour, eye colour and so on. How are markings inherited? The guide mentions something about mutations but I'm not clear on exactly what this means.
- How is it determined which female / male is the alpha, which is the beta, and which are omegas? Is it based entirely off of their relative dominance stat? When an alpha dies, does the wolf with the next highest dominance score take over?
- What happens when you run out of den space? Can you no longer breed at all or are the pups chased out when they reach 2? Edited at November 22, 2018 05:24 AM by Coal

Answer 1. For pups, if both parents have 0 Charisma and Maternal, they will definitely produce 1 pup. If the sire has 100 charisma, but the dam has 0, I think they will produce two. If both have around 50, 2 will be born (At least in my experience.) If both have 100, they will have 3 pups. There is no natural way to have 4 pups, as you must buy an apple item from barter to get them to produce 4 pups.
Answer 2. Really not sure how to answer that, sorry xD
Answer 3. With ranks, it all depends on dominance. Male with the highest dominance will be Alpha Male, same with the Females. Second highest will be made Betas, and when the Alphas die, the Betas take their place and the next highest dominant wolves take Beta. If your wolves all have 0 dominance, then there is a random chance.
Answer 4. When you run out of den space, you can still breed and such. But if you do not have any den space when the pups are born, they wander off into the forest and presumably die, never to be seen. You do not get to see them, they're just gone.

My answers may not be correct. Polly's may be correct. Hehe. But based on personal experience...
1. 4 with dandelion. 3 pups max without dandelion. For me personally, to assure 3 pups the stats on the male and female: [Male's Charisma Points] + [Female's Maternal Points] > 60 I do not think there's any randomness in it. It's based on points. If there was any case, I have not heard of it.
2. No one ever made a study on it, so only Eve knows for certain. I do know that for eye colors, pelt colors, and nose colors: If it's common rarity, then the eye/ pelt/ nose color of the pups will be either the sire's or the dam's. For uncommon, rare, legendary, and dynamic rarities, the offspring can be anything for the most part, but the coded gene pool no one except Eve can be certain haha. https://wolfplaygame.com/gameguide.php#npelt Game Guide for it, a little outdated but most of the stuff still there. You can snoop around custom maker if you're curious.
3. Same answer as Polly above. :)
4. Same answer as Polly. :) The pups will never be generated, therefore you can never 'get them back' since they never existed. Pups take up den space same as adult wolves and juveniles.

Thanks guys, really helpful answers :)

Seems like I have a different answer for 2, but the others were correct in my opinion.
2. Lets say both parents have a black coat and green eyes. The chance will be very high (lets say like 80% or so, I think) of the pups having those too. The markings, eyes, noses, coats and all, there is always a chance of thr pups having different coats, though it will lean more towards the coats the parents have. For uncommon, the chance of it being the same will be smaller, rare would have an even smaller chance, legendary will have a smaller chance than rare and dynamic would have a very small chance. The chances will commonly lean more towards the coats in the whole bloodline (though having one of the coats the parent has will have the highest chance, unless its rare, legendary or dynamic. Then the bigger chance is the next one in the bloodline, and so on). Its not always like that though, so they can produce any coat, nose, eye, etc possible, just some things will have a bigger chance.
If the parents both have dynamic, the chance will be bigger than if only on of the parents has a dynamic. For the mutations goes the same, they have a bigger chance of getting to the pups if the said boost/defect is already in the bloodline. On my side account, my two starters were able to produce a pup with an uncommon pelt, so it is possible.
Sorry for it being so long, I am bad at explaining :')

Thanks Carnivore that's really helpful :)