
Whenever I see people selling wolves, they always put what generation the wolf is. I never really understood why, but sometimes it's important.
I'am trying to sell some wolves right now, and I would like to put what generation it is, but I don't understand what generation the wolf is supposed to be. I know I have to look under Bloodlines, but it's confusing to understand..... Can someone please explain it with pictures? Also, can someone tell me what generation the wolf is? https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=1789465 *click picture* Thanks! Edited at September 27, 2018 04:40 PM by Blood Moon Pack

Go to the bloodlines and count back the farthest you can, and add one. That will be your wolf's gen, I'll make a picture. Give me a min Edited at September 27, 2018 04:46 PM by Moonshadow

I numbered how you count. You count the longest back(4 gens in this case) and add one. Your wolf is a gen 5

He's a generation 5 so whenever you hit lone wolf that's when you stop counting Edited at September 27, 2018 07:48 PM by AutumnWeather

Each pair of wolves (or group of wolves) on a line, is a generation. Basically, your wolf's generation is the amount of wolves there were on a line +1, as he's the current generation. I'll give you an example of a G2 wolf https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=1972423 This wolf is generation 2, hence her parents have no known bloodline, and because she has known parents, she therefore can't be G1 as well. Edited at September 27, 2018 10:49 PM by Pumpkin's Edge

Moonshadow said: Go to the bloodlines and count back the farthest you can, and add one. That will be your wolf's gen, I'll make a picture. Give me a min
Ahh thanks! you were very helpful!