Alma's brown eyes swiveled to meet Renissa's as the realization crossed her own face. Her mouth opened, lips parting to contradict the former goddess.
"N-now hey--" she protested quietly before rubbing the back of her neck. "... we... we never... actually did that. It... it wasn't like that, Renissa--"
"It was a deeper connection?" Onas gasped out, clearly startled at the thought. "You didn't indulge like that but you went for something... deeper?"
Alma groaned, her hand on her face before she sighed. "I did. And you know what? I regretted it. I should have known better than to get involved with a mortal like that. As much as he was terrifying, the man was insane. He was... he was apathetic entirely, even to his own son."
"Getting tangled up with a lunatic, now that would be absolutely ridiculous."
"That's the thing," Alma said quickly, "he didn't appear to be that insane when I first met him. He was... normal."
Onas raised an eyebrow. "Induced insanity?"
"Veles no doubt."
Onas flicked his golden eyes toward Renissa. He still couldn't believe it...
And he still couldn't believe that they hadn't "done it" or whatnot.
Finn let out a small chuckled before he shook his head lightly.
"I never really cared about looks," he admitted. "I always knew that. I imagined someone strong, someone clever and kind. Who could hold her own no matter what, someone who I could help support in everything they do. Someone who... who would put up with me."
His head tilted to the side, smiling faintly as he squeezed her hand.
"Someone exactly like who you are."