
*she whined but kept her distance, admiring his coat, then went into a fit of sneezing because of the smoke and preceeded to attack one of them, yanking the cigarette out of his hands and throwing it away, hissing as she did so*

Sylvester chuckled a little as he saw this, finding it amusing. He sniffed the air, checking the scents on the breeze. Nothing but cigars and it annoyed him.

*she hissed then launched herself at the boy, wrapping around his arm and latching on, using all claws and teeth, and it took 4 others, not counting the one she latched onto, to get her off, and she left all of them with claw and bite marks, which raised a commotion and got them in trouble, and she jumped onto a branch and licked her paw while watching them get in trouble and seemed to smirk a lil, winking at Sylvester*

Sylvester looked down at her, unfazed. The cat could've easily done the same as her. He rolled his eyes as he licked his paw a little.

*a strange light glittered in her eyes then she hoped down and walked off, shifting as she walked, showing her full form for a second before going into human*

*a strange light glittered in her eyes then she hoped down and walked off, shifting as she walked, showing her full form for a second before going into human*

Sylvester looked happier now that she was gone. Remaining in his cat form, he still licked his paw.

(Repost in case ya didn't see it.) Sylvester looked happier now that she was gone. Remaining in his cat form, he still licked his paw. |

*she was a lil disapointed that she hadn't aroused some attention, but she didn't really care, and she brought out a piece of wood and carved his human form from memory, then did his cat form after she finished the human, and painted them both after that*

Sylvester tried not to look amused but he had to admit, even to himself that she was talented. He leapt back down from the tree, still as a cat but looked at her with curiousity.