
True, but I feel like it would really add to the game. Vennenum said: Crystalline Wolves-- And the people who don't care about inbreeding and don't want the hassle?
There is a reason why these suggestions are automatically shot down. :-)
Edited at April 17, 2018 01:33 AM by Vennenum

Game Moderator Darkseeker
If you have a game suggestion, please put it in the Suggestions forum. :)


My wolf pup was born with Spina Bifida

Now there's a new one to add! yay, go Chimeras!

Inferos said:
Vennenum said: Inbreeding has no effect on gameplay, whatsoever.
I feel like inbreeding should make your pups more likely to get defects, I feel like that would really change the game, people who want defects could inbreed, and those who don't shouldn't breed siblings.
This would be hard because you could only breed 2 siblings within a pack if they're both Alpha. Otherwise, you'd need some kind of boarding, or make it really confusing on dominance and such. Plus I dont think Ive ever inbred or will inbreed, and I dont think that many people do either so it probably wouldnt be enough of an impact to make it a game update.

Cleanlined and Inbred are both player made issues. They were never intended as part of the game and never will be added to the game as official terms. We will not have suggestions based around these.

what are the down sides of them being deaf i had a deaf pup?

What happens with Karmic Blessings?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Please do not make unnecessary posts.
Karmic Blessings is a boost. The answer is in the "Boosts" guide.