
"I didn't mean that baby. I'm sorry I ever said that." I say sitting up and look at you. "You ok?" I ask wiping the tears off my face.

"Don't call me baby." I whisper my voice breaking a bit but I look away forgetting all of our good memories and locking them up in a place where I keep all my emotions." No I'm not okay." I say as gently as I can but there is a bite to my tone

"Ace please?" I ask a lump forming in my throat. "What do you want me to do? What do you want me to say? How can I make it ok?" I ask gently. I begin to reach for your hand but think better of it and let it fall on the bed.

"No." I growl." You can't do anything can't say anything you just don't get it I've lost so much in my world and I can only blame myself for it. the only thing I want you to do is be honest with me tell me you have a plan to basically murder me I didn't want to go through the torture your father put on my mother. He was toying with her emotions making her think that he loved her but it all happened like every single book I've read. He killed her." I look away and draw my hand to my lap not looking at you and spacing out Edited at May 29, 2024 05:39 PM by Spider

"Ace I swear on my life I would never do anything like that. I don't even know why my dad would think I would sink that low." I get off the bed and storm out the room heading for the stairs. Tears fall down my cheeks as my chest aches from the fact that you don't believe I actually love you.

"How would I know if you'd do that? I barely know you and you barely know me." I say and stand up closing the door after you. I start crying and scream loud enough for you to hear but the scream isn't in sadness the scream is in pain a two bullet going into my arms

I'm about half way down the stairs when I hear you scream. I quickly turn around and run back up the stairs bursting into the room. The first thing I see is you knelt on the floor arm bleeding. I grab a shirt and quickly rush to your side tearing the shirt to wrap over your wounds before I search the room for the intruder. Immediately my eyes land on my father stand in the doorway for the balcony. An angry growl escapes my throat as a tackle my dad "how could you haven't you done enough murdering his mother infront of him. He's not a monster you are!" I scream at him ripping the gun from his hand and Tossing it across the room.

I manage to stand up once you bandage my wound and it starts healing immediately but I have enough strength to lunge myself at your father and fly out." This is between me and you don't try to get your son involved." I growl and fly farther so you can't reach us when he starts throwing punches at me. Edited at May 30, 2024 08:05 AM by Spider

Edited at May 30, 2024 01:51 PM by Spider

"Ace!" I call after you, my voice filled with worry. I feel helpless as I watch you and my dad fight in the air. I'm not sure who I should root for so I just stand there and stare. My knees buckle under me from the shock of it all and I sit there kneeling my eyes still fixed on the two of you.