
(C)85543 my very first attempt at animation using my internet sona, Ophila.  It's not great but it's not bad either.
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(C)85543 this took wayyy too long to do. But y'know? Kinda worth it, because it looks absolutely amazing. 
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Okay. So I have developed an ulcer. In my stomach. Not fun but y'know? It is what it is, I guess. Cause genetics aren't fun and they don't like me. >.> anyways, I couldn't sleep and decided to doodle. I passed stupid hour by like... four hours so I don't know why I decided to make this character as complicated as he is. But it is what it is. (c)85543  Silurian Shipton named after two different moths because I'm funny like that.
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Okay so like 4 AM in the morning, I woke up because of stomach pain. Couldn't fall asleep. So I decided to sketch out and lazy doodle a dragon character based off of one I had seen in my dream before I woke up. This dragon was absolutely beautiful but he was missing one wing claw. He told me he had formally been an assassin, but now was just content in raising his family. His family consisted of four adopted little dragonlings. Bee, Tee, Gee and Cee. I haven't drawn them yet but I hope to soon. They were adorable. But I did get Mist down.  (c)85543 super low quality because it was like 4 AM and I was in pain. But y'know?
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Well, good news is, I'm feeling a lot better. :3 And, I was able to doodle the four dragonlings that Mist has adopted. Well, their human forms at the very least.  (c)85543 :3
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Y'd think I'd be smart and stop making new characters. But no. I'm not smart. Ha. Ophila isn't smarts.  Somebody said do a sea dragon. So I did a Leafy Sea dragon boi. however. I did not keep said boi. I gave him to a friend. (C)85543 Edited at March 13, 2021 10:31 PM by Blue Stargazer
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I made an RP character. He's solely for rp. So probably not much doodling of him. But Apelios He's a demigod of some sun deity who found a dragonoid and yee. Pg-13. BUT y'know? He was fun to do. I was challenged to do a piece / character without blue (my go to color) and Apelios was born.  (c)85543 what is Apelios like? Apelios is pretty standard. Kinda quiet, kind of bubbly. Not very smart, he does get lost in thoughts rather easily. So he tends to have that kind of spaced out look on his face a lot. His dragon like foot is a prosthetic, his leg was deformed at birth, so it had to be amputated. And he has that prosthetic. Cause it's cool. He's also too lazy to change shoes between shifting, so his converse stays on in both forms. XD Edited at March 13, 2021 10:35 PM by Blue Stargazer
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Ophila! My internet-sona / persona / whatever you call it. She actually came from a spin-off comic thing I was attempting with two of my story characters. I enjoyed the design but since my hair style / etc. didn't match up with the blend between those two, I basically made a new character. This is the reference of the blend between those two  An interesting concept. But not exactly me y'know? So along came... drumrollllll Ophila! Named after the Nemophila flower (I know, flowers for days, lol) I often experiment with clothing style, be it what I'm wearing (in her color palette) or what I think might look good. But yeah! I recently did adjust her hair color to this lighter brown instead of the darker red/brown that my other character has. So, I'll not post all that art, just this one;  Which is conveniently 300x300 if I ever decide to make it my profile picture. Lol (c)85543 Edited at March 14, 2021 11:19 PM by Blue Stargazer
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My very first commission! :3 (c)85543  Full body, cell shading with a simple background. I had so much fun humanizing this lovely lady.
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Ahaha, you thought this was going to be another new character, didn't you? IT's ... well, I guess it sort of is. >.> Dawson, in an RP, after an explosion.  I was doodling with some friends. So yee. (c)85543
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